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Cheap Jerseys Mr. Kwame McCoy









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發表於 2017-1-5 04:06:31 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Regional Democratic Council (RDC) of Region Four was thrown into further turmoil yesterday following allegations and counter allegations of assault involving embattled PPP/C Councillor,Cheap NCAA Jerseys, Kwame McCoy.McCoy had accused a female councillor from the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) of assaulting him after he turned up for a statutory meeting of the Council yesterday.But despite denial from the accused female Councillor, who was supported by Regional Chairman, Clement Corlette, the police proceeded to arrest the woman and it was not until the intervention of the PNCR leader, Robert Corbin, around 18:00 hrs,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, that she was released.The PNCR, in a statement, “condemned the actions of the Beterverwagting Police Station in arresting a PNCR Councillor, Maureen Philadelphia, on spurious allegations of assault by PPP/C Councillor,Cheap NBA Jerseys, Mr. Kwame McCoy, in the precincts of the Regional Democratic Council (RDC) Chambers, today,Cheap Custom Jerseys, 16 March 2010, at Truimph, East Coast Demerara”.The PNCR stated that shortly after the RDC meeting had adjourned, at approximately 1:30 pm, a police officer from the Beterverwagting Police Station visited the RDC building and demanded that Philadelphia accompany her to the Police Station, on the basis of allegations of assault by Kwame McCoy.“Miss Philadelphia denied the allegations and explained that it was she who was assaulted by Mr. McCoy. Her allegation was supported by RDC Chairman, Mr. Clement Corlette,” the PNCR stated.Corlette told this newspaper that McCoy who was suspended from the RDC in February for 90 days,Cheap Denver Broncos Jersey, turned up at a statutory meeting of the body yesterday in defiance of the suspension.The regional chairman said that he immediately asked the Acting Regional Executive Officer, Ashford Ambedkar if McCoy had received the official notification informing him of his suspension.Corlette said that he had instructed the Acting REO on three occasions via letters to inform McCoy about the suspension, but the Acting REO refused or failed to do so.The REO reportedly gave no reason for his non-action.The statutory meeting was subsequently adjourned and Corlette said that he will move to the court.According to Corlette, at the end of the aborted meeting,Cheap NHL Jerseys, female Councillor Philadelphia was standing with others in the corridor of the RDC building when McCoy was seen pushing her.The Regional Chairman said that he immediately rebuked McCoy.He said that shortly after, a female police rank arrived with instructions to arrest Philadelphia.According to the PNCR, the police officer insisted that Ms Philadelphia should accompany her to the Beterverwagting Police Station.Philadelphia was detained for more than two hours while the Police sought to extract from her a statement in response to the allegations made.She was not released until after the intervention of an Attorney-at-Law retained by the PNCR.The PNCR stated that it is significant that, at the time of her release at 4:30pm and at 4:40 pm, when the Leader of the Opposition,Cheap MLB Jerseys, Mr. Robert Corbin, visited the station, there was no written statement by McCoy at the Beterverwagting Police Station in relation to the alleged incident.The PNCR said that it understands that McCoy, shortly after making his spurious allegations, gave the police instructions to arrest Philadelphia, and subsequently travelled to Georgetown to join in the birthday celebration of a Minister of Government.The party added that it also understands that, subsequent to the Leader of the Opposition speaking to the Commissioner of Police and leaving the compound of the Beterverwagting (BV)Police Station, McCoy turned up at the station and attempted to rectify the situation.“The PNCR condemns the behaviour by officers of the BV Police Station and calls on the Commissioner of Police to rein in his ranks,” the party’s statement said.The Leader of the PNCR has already written the Commissioner of Police requesting an investigation into this matter.At a press conference at Freedom House on Tuesday, McCoy said that he was disregarding the suspension since it was procedurally wrong and since no official notification was given to him.He accused Corlette of being intolerable and said that the PPPC councillors on the RDC will not be honouring unauthorised taxi bills which were racked up by the Chairman to the tune of $500,000.He also stated that the cost of a recent court case filed by Corlette against suspended Regional Executive Officer, Shafdar Ali,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, would also not be paid by the RDC since it never authorised the case in the first place.According to McCoy, the Chairman has on several occasions abused his authority even to the point of clashing with his own PNCR councillors who disagree with him. On one occasion, he said, Corlette even tried to open an RDC bank account without the necessary permission.On February 16, the PPP/C attempted to bring a motion to discuss Corlette’s leadership.However, this was disallowed since according to the Chairman, 96 hours notice was needed,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, according to the RDC’s Standing Orders.The following week, in another meeting, Corlette allowed a motion to suspend McCoy for disobedience, the press conference heard.There was no 96 hours notice nor was the motion procedurally correct since it came up on the meeting’s agenda under “any other business.”According to McCoy, it is a clear attempt to “shut-up” the most vocal of the councillors and by extension, the PPP/C.The substantive REO, Shafdar Ali, is currently being investigated for alleged misappropriation of funds and other malpractices.

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