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Jerseys Wholesale of Lot 1639 Zeelugt









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發表於 2018-5-9 18:26:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-criticizes sloth in police investigationTwo months after an alleged beating by several Guyana Defence Force (GDF) Coast Guard ranks caused him to lose his left eye,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Julius Taylor returned home on Friday, after undergoing corrective surgery in Trinidad to save his other eye.Julius TaylorTaylor,Cheap Adidas Hockey Jerseys, 33, a father of two, of Lot 1639 Zeelugt, East Bank Essequibo was reportedly attacked and brutally beaten by the army ranks on July 27, last. At the time of the assault, he was making his way home from the Parika Police Station where he had gone to inquire about a report he had made about larceny of a cell phone.Medical documents seen by Kaieteur News indicated that Taylor was advised by doctors at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) to seek medical attention overseas since corrective surgery to save his right eye,Stitched Jerseys, which was also damaged, cannot be done here.In an interview with this publication yesterday, Taylor said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he and his wife spent two weeks in Trinidad, where he underwent surgery at a private institution.Although Taylor was able to save the eye he is still not getting perfect vision.“This thing really complicated…is like I ain’t got any life. I can’t maintain my family. All the burden is on my wife. I have to go back to Trinidad in six months for them to remove a lens. I also have to do a reconstructive surgery on my face at the GPHC,” Taylor cried.He estimates the total cost for the operation, airfare and accommodation at $1.6M.However, Taylor and his family are criticizing police for their sloth in probing the matter.According to Taylor,China NFL Jerseys, a report was made to the Parika Police Station a few days after the attack on him, and still after two months no one has been arrested.He said, “The police ain’t doing any investigation. They (police) are hustling to cover up this story. My father been calling the station several times and they keep telling he that they ain’t getting time to investigate the matter.”“Police know where these soldiers are. I can’t understand why they ain’t arrest nobody as yet. I can identify the guys that attacked me. My relatives who witnessed the attack can also identify them. There are persons in the village that know these soldiers but they afraid to come forward.”A Senior Police official, yesterday, said that the matter is still under investigation.Recalling the events that lead to this tragedy, a teary-eyed Taylor said that he had visited the station to inquire about investigation into a matter he had reported some time ago. He said that as he was making his way past a “rum shop” four men who were consuming alcohol confronted him and an argument ensued. He recalled that one of the men threw a Guinness bottle at him while he was involved in an altercation with another man who was armed with a knife. Taylor also said that he was dealt several stabs to the face and about his body with the sharp objects. He alleged that the beating occurred a short distance from the police station and was witnessed by three police officer who stoodby and failed to render assistance to him.When asked how he knew the men were members of GDF,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Taylor said that he was able to ascertain their identity based on information he received from residents in the area.Taylor made it clear that he had never seen his attackers before.He related that police officers from the station transported him to the Leonora Cottage Hospital, where he was visited by a policeman who took a statement from him. His relatives only became aware that he was hospitalized after an official from the Cottage Hospital contacted them by phone. He was referred to the GPHC two days later, where he had the badly damaged eye removed.

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