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發表於 2018-5-11 03:08:35 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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-Two persons required medical attentionPandemonium broke out in the Cove and John Police Station compound yesterday when a swarm of bees launched an attack on persons there,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, effectively shutting down operations at the Divisional Headquarters. At the end of the attack, at least two persons, including a seven-year-old girl had to seek medical attention.  However, their injuries were not life threatening.According to ranks at the East Coast Demerara Divisional Headquarters, the bees have been occupying a tree to the south eastern side of the compound near the entrance but nobody actually knew they were there.Yesterday was the first time that they had attacked anyone.It is believed that the noise from a heavy duty machinery operating near the bees’ hive disturbed the bees and caused the attack.At the time of the attack, several persons had assembled in the compound to attend court and since they were in the yard, they all were directly affected.Kaieteur News was told that during the attack several persons ran for cover as the police hurriedly began shutting their doors to prevent the bees from entering their offices.While some persons were locked in, others were locked out and had to seek alternative shelter.The Cove and John Police Station had the look of a ghost town soon after. Policemen and members of the public were seen peering through windows and creases in the doors, obviously afraid to venture outside since there was still evidence of the bees hovering around.Even the Acting Divisional Commander,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Superintendent John Sauers sought refuge in his car.One businessman who gave his name as R. Shaw said that he was forced to seek refuge in a nearby drain after he was attacked by the bees.Businessman R. Shaw jumped into a drain to get the bees off him.“Me get bite all over. Me had to jump in a stink trench. Is dem police tell me fuh jump in,” Shaw told this newspaper.He blamed his experience on the callousness on the part of a Special Constable who was guarding the nearby Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company exchange.According to Shaw,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, as he was entering the Cove and John Police compound, the guard initially told him not to enter.“I ask she why and she say ‘Gwan, you go see’. When me come in, dem bee bite me up. All me head, me mouth,” he said.Even while he was in the trench, he was still being attacked,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, he said.Another member of the public informed that the bees also attacked a dog that was in the compound.“De dog deh lie down pon de ground and we thought he dead,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but then he get up and run away. Dem had a man he skin full ah mud. He start get fever,” an eyewitness told this newspaper.Immediately after the attack,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, officials at the police station requested the ambulance from the nearby CC Nicholson Hospital but that only arrived about an hour later.By then the two badly injured persons had secured transportation to take them for medical attention.Officials from the Ministry of Agriculture were also summoned and they solicited the help of a contractor,NFL Jerseys Supply, who by late yesterday afternoon had removed the bees.A member of the public runs to the safety of an ambulance to escape from the swarming bees.

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