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發表於 2018-5-11 06:22:46 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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He returned to the sideline during the third quarter wearing a cap and still in uniform.

Locker was hurt after throwing deep incomplete to Derek Hagan as Coples came around the corner and knocked the quarterback to the ground. Locker's left arm got caught underneath. Locker stayed on the ground for a couple of minutes before walking off the field and to the locker room, holding his arm against his body.
"It would've been a stressful situation no question,Wholesale Jerseys," Whisenhunt said.
Locker could have returned if needed, but would have only been able to hand off. This leaves the Titans with Charlie Whitehurst their only healthy quarterback.
Whisenhunt said after the game that Titans tight end Brett Brackett also hurt a knee, leaving them short at that position as well.
The Titans' emergency quarterback is wide receiver Kendall Wright,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, who was deactivated with a broken right hand. Whisenhunt said wide receiver Kris Durham was their emergency option if needed,NFL Jerseys Clearance, though Durham hasn't had much practice at quarterback.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — Titans quarterback Jake Locker dislocated his left, non-throwing shoulder when hit by Jets defensive end Quinton Coples late in the first half and didn't return Sunday.
"You can pick a couple other positions where we've had bad luck too,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store," Whisenhunt said. "I want to be clear that Zach's and Jake's are different,NFL Jerseys Outlet, but yeah it's hard. That's an important position,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and now we've had a couple guys get injured there."
Jets safety Calvin Pryor, who hurt his left shoulder early in the second quarter, went to the locker room. He returned for the Jets' first defensive series in the third quarter.
The Titans (2-12) visit the Jaguars on Thursday night, leaving Locker a short week to try to recover. Whisenhunt said he would have to talk to the trainer to see if Locker can finish the season. Locker was starting with rookie Zach Mettenberger already out with a sprained right shoulder.
Coach Ken Whisenhunt said after a 16-11 loss to the Jets that doctors popped Locker's shoulder back in.
Coples also knocked Locker out of the game the previous time these teams met in September 2013. Locker had to be taken off on a stretcher with an injured hip and knee, though he came in 2-0 against the Jets in his career.

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