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[Xbox 360] Cheap NFL Jerseys ” stated that the Presiding Officer and Assistants









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….we will not deviate from the law-Dr SurujballyHours before the polls were set to open yesterday at least one of the parties contesting this year’s General and Regional Elections raised the issue of a possible disenfranchisement of its polling agents but this was quickly denounced by the Chairman of the Elections Commission Dr Steve Surujbally.A Partnership For National Unity headed by Brigadier David Granger had complained that their polling agents may not be allowed to vote given that they are not being allowed to cast their ballot at the polling station that they were working but GECOM says they will stick to the letter of the law.GECOM Chairman Dr Steve Surujbally addressing those gathered at the Commission’s Election Day media centre at PegasusChief Elections Officer Gocool Boodoo had explained that during a meeting of the Commission on Saturday last,Cheap Jerseys From China, it was unanimously agreed that certificates of employment will not be issued to facilitate voting by polling and counting agents at the stations they are deployed to work.Dr Surujbally during yesterday’s first media update held at the Elections Media Centre which was hosted at the Pegasus, Savannah said that he was pleased with the initial reports of peace and tranquility nationwide as persons turned up early to cast their votes.In addressing the issue of the polling agents Dr Surujbally said that it would seem logical that GECOM would accommodate the polling agents to cast their ballots at the station to which they have been seconded to work on Election Day.He was however adamant that a recent event has taught a very important lesson. Dr Surujbally explained that 14 years ago an issue had surfaced where to date there is no real proof and there could be an argument that,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, “that the gentleman did not break the law….he was never cited,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, he was never charged, he was never imprisoned, he was never fined.”He said that despite the fact that this issue is ‘water under the bridge’ their antennas have been erected and reiterated,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, “We are not going to break the law.”Dr Surujbally said that the law (The Representation of Peoples Act) is very clear specific persons are allowed to vote at their place of poll (where they are working) and have not registered there.“The authors of this wise document,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” stated that the Presiding Officer and Assistants,Cheap Jerseys, Polling Day Clerks and other specified GECOM staffers but not any polling agent will be allowed to vote at that location.“We will not deviate from the law; it is as simple as that,” said Dr Surujbally.Dr Surujbally said that the Chief Elections Officer Boodoo made it pellucid to all and sundry that “irrespective of what we might think…he was not prepared to stray from the straight and narrow path.”He was adamant that none of the complaints that he has heard about disenfranchisement holds water given that there are enough polling stations and personnel in place so that during a lull the agents would be allowed to return to the place they are registered to vote and cast their ballots.

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