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發表於 2018-5-12 11:35:40 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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An elderly Amerindian couple appeared totally oblivious as to why they were in court yesterday, at the mercy of the law.Eighty-five year-old Vernon John and his 65-year-old wife Stella John appeared at the Vreed-en-Hoop Magistrate’s Court where the charge of unlawful possession of ammunition was read to them.It is alleged that on Friday February 12 at a location in Bonasika Creek,NFL Jerseys China, Vernon John  who is almost deaf,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, and his wife, had in their possession five (5) live 16-gauge shotgun rounds.As the charge was being read to the duo, the police who escorted the barefoot couple indicated to Magistrate Nyasha Williams-Hatmin that the couple could not hear properly.This prompted the Magistrate to call the two to the bench. After the Magistrate read the charge, Mr. John told the court “me nah know wha fuh seh”, this was also the response by the man’s wife.Even as the Magistrate continued to ask the couple if they were guilty or not, Mr. John kept saying he did not know what to say and added “me had de thing deh fuh kill monkey and hog because dem does eat out meh thing from me farm.”At that instance,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the wife attempted to enter a guilty plea for both herself and husband.However before she could,NFL Jerseys China, attorney-at-law Randolph Kirton walked into the courtroom and intervened on their behalf.After finding out from others in the court room what the couple was charged for,jerseys from china, Kirton asked the Magistrate to stand down the matter for a few minutes so that he could be briefed and represent them.This was granted and after a brief adjournment the couple was called back into the courtroom,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, with Mr. Kirton indicating that he was representing the couple.He then told the court that his clients will enter not guilty pleas. He further asked that bail be granted to at least one of the accused.Kirton told the court that he will do all in his power to have the Ministry of Human Services and the Amerindian Affairs Ministry intervene given the circumstances. He further explained that his clients do not even understand why they are before the court.He added that in the area where his clients live farming is the only means of livelihood and the cartridges are used to set gun traps to prevent animals from attacking humans and destroying crops.Meanwhile the prosecutor told the court that the couple’s house was searched and the ammunition was found. The magistrate then advised the Police to send the file to the Director of Public Prosecutions for advice.Mrs. John was then placed on $10,Wholesale Jerseys,000 bail while her husband was remanded to prison.Even after the Magistrate handed down her decision the couple continued to question what their fate would be. Kirton then indicated that he would post bail for Mrs. John.The couple will make another court appearance on March 24.

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