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[Xbox 360] China Jerseys and Japanese Counsellor









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發表於 2018-5-12 21:38:33 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana Water Incorporated, GWI, has officially turned the sod for the soon to be constructed Queenstown Water Treatment Plant valued at $1.6B. While works at the site started one week earlier,Wholesale China Jerseys, Chief Executive of GWI,NFL Jerseys China, Yuri Chandisingh, says that the plant will significantly improve the level of service provided to customers within the project area.Housing and Water Minister Mohamed Irfaan Ali (right) and Japanese Counsellor,Wholesale Jerseys USA, Kiyoshi Takeuchi doing the ceremonial sod turning at the construction site for the Queenstown Plant.The construction of the new plant forms part of the GWI Project for Water Supply in Corriverton aimed at improving the quality of service for residents between Number 51 Village and Moleson Creek.The first phase of the project, which involved the construction of the Number 56 Village Water Treatment Plant, was successfully completed in 2008 at a cost of $1.1 Billion.The second phase commenced with the awarding of a contract last June to the Tokura Corporation of Japan. Mohamed Irfaan Ali the Housing and Water Minister and Japanese Counsellor, Kiyoshi Takeuchi,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, conducted the ceremonial turning of the sod at the construction site for the Queenstown Plant.The scope of the project encompasses the construction of a 5.5 megalitres per day water treatment plant, elevated storage,China Jerseys Cheap, the rehabilitation of two existing pump stations and the installation of 8 km of PVC transmission pipelines.The new Queenstown Plant will utilise the slow sand filtration technology which was successfully implemented in 2008 at the No 56 Village Water Treatment plant. This will be the second of its kind in Guyana.Completion is scheduled for next August. It will serve approximately 18,000 residents between No 74 Village and Moleson Creek. The minister at the ceremony encouraged all residents to conserve on the water and report any leaks.Region Six Chairman,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Zulficar Mustapha, commended GWI for all recent improvements such as the number 56 village water treatment plant built last year.He said this significantly improved the level of water supply from GWI to the region. He however noted that there is much more to be done in some other areas in the water sector but noted that he has been given positive assurances by Housing and Water Minister Irfaan Ali and GWI Chief-executive Yuri Chandisingh.

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