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發表於 2018-5-13 00:03:44 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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By Zena Henry The Government and Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) have reached a deadlock, as talks about improving remuneration for public service workers proved fruitless.The union expressed disappointment and regret at what it indicated is “the deliberate attempt by Government to frustrate and stultify efforts to end the 17-year imposition of arbitrary rates of wages and salaries”.According to GPSU President, Patrick Yarde, the Government had called a meeting, but “there was a disgusting array of frustrating maneuvers and no real attempt to address the issue”.GPSU President Patrick YardeYarde said that the meeting was requested earlier this year to discuss the union’s three-year proposal of wages, salaries and allowances; forwarded to the Government since 2009 and amended following last year’s elections.Yarde pointed out, however, that the two entities could not have their discussions,Jerseys NFL China, since Permanent Secretary (PS) Hydar Ally requested time, after disclosing that he was not au fait with the happenings of the public workers in relation to their union.Yarde said that in early September, he urged the PS to meet again, and when he felt that the wait for him to get in contact with the union was getting overbearing, he threatened to go public with the Government’s response towards the plight of the public workers, and only then a meeting was urgently called.In a letter sent by the union, Yarde said he responded to the Government highlighting their expectations. Those, he said, were a counter proposal that addressed wages, salaries and allowances; commitment of good faith during the expediting of the process, and a willingness by the Government to expedite the process within the best interest of the workers, considering the country’s current economic situation and the workers’ socio-economic needs.He said that even though the details of the proposals which were based on research were submitted to the Government, justifying substantially more, the union indicated that it would accept a reduced 25 percent increase across the board during 2012.“The insensitivity of the Government was thereafter bared and followed up, because we experienced a disgusting array of frustrating maneuvers and no real attempt at addressing the issue at hand,” Yarde emphasized.Apart from that, he noted that Government had not increased travelling allowances for the past 17 years and meals allowances for the past 16 years. He said public service workers are receiving the same travelling rate they received in 1995 when gasoline was $200 per gallon, while noting, that every year, the Government put up at Parliament revised rates consistent with current market prices for the maintenance of the vehicles and other things.Yarde said that at the designated meeting, expectations were high, since the union had clearly stated its position. “But this was again deflated by the Government’s display of unreasonableness, inaction and unpreparedness.” The GPSU president said that there was “Inconsequential banter about a variety of things that were in our opinion irrelevant.”“Here it is, we’re meeting in November about an issue that was submitted since 2009, and it is addressing remuneration for workers who are grossly underpaid, and when it is determined, it will have to be from January. We’re in November… the eleventh month of the year… and there is an absence of any urgency or any priority or importance in dealing with the matter.”The President said that the meeting was, “A total waste of time,” because nothing was offered.“The union is of the opinion that the Government is preparing itself to hijack the negotiation process and to unilaterally impose an unrealistic award on the poor employed public servants.”The GPSU President appealed to members and supporters of the current Administration who are conscious and open-minded to recognize reasonableness on the part of the union and the “despicable conduct” of the Government.In that light, Yarde noted that should the situation become confrontational, “No one should be in a position to doubt how reasonable, how patient, how tolerable we (GPSU) were.”  Yarde opined that the Government representatives were irresponsible and reckless. He said that it was clear that the Government operatives’ conduct seemed to be “provoking a situation”.Yarde pointed out that should an undesirable situation be provoked, he hopes that the public would hold the Government responsibleHe however disclosed that the GPSU is in the process of sending off a letter to the Permanent Secretary, “giving another chance for the relevant authorities to act responsibly to address discussions in a realistic, objective and serious manner”.

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