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Wholesale Soccer Jerseys









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發表於 2018-5-13 09:51:17 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Christie continues to face criticism from some Republican circles for embracing the president after Superstorm Sandy.
During his remarks, Obama recalled his trip to the Jersey shore, where Christie beat him at football toss.
"He started off talking about my adventures in Philadelphia last night," said Christie,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, who was lambasted on social media after he was spotted cheering for his beloved Cowboys with the team's owner. The Cowboys won 38-27 over the Eagles,cheap nfl jerseys sale, who are far more popular in New Jersey,NBA Jerseys China, just across the Delaware River at Philadelphia.
"So he teased me a little about that and we had some good time there," Christie said.
Christie spent Monday afternoon with Obama and other officials at Joint Base McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst, where the president saluted troops returning from Afghanistan.
The pair also talked about Superstorm Sandy recovery, their families and their plans for the holidays during a limo ride and backstage together, Christie said.
The Republican governor and potential 2016 candidate said the two had the chance to talk about several topics — including the game, which Obama had watched on television.
Christie has been increasingly critical of Obama's leadership and policies as the governor comes closer to making a decision about 2016,Jerseys NFL Wholesale. But he said it was also important for the pair to get along.
Obama said the loss had been aggravating, but said he'd get a rematch at some point.
NEWARK, N.J. (AP) — Gov. Chris Christie says even President Barack Obama razzed him for rooting for the Dallas Cowboys at their game against the Philadelphia Eagles on Sunday night.
"I think whenever the president of the United States comes to your state, the governor should be there to greet him and welcome him and I was," Christie said during his monthly "Ask the Governor" radio show on New Jersey 101.5 FM.
"As I've said before,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, I profoundly disagree with the president on lots of different things. But,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, you know, we both have a job to do. And it's my job to make sure that we get along with each other as best as we can," he said.

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