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發表於 2018-5-16 01:00:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Also, receiver Marquise Goodwin continues to make his way back from a hamstring injury he suffered on Oct. 16. Receiver Marcus Easley (knee) is also nearing a return after missing the past five games. Both were limited in practice Wednesday.
The person spoke on the condition of anonymity because coach Doug Marrone declined to provide details of the injury after Watkins was hurt in practice Wednesday,Authentic NHL Jerseys. The person said Watkins is fine and ready to go,Cheap Jerseys From China.
The first-round draft pick leads Buffalo with 38 catches,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 590 yards and five touchdowns. He was the NFL's offensive rookie of the month in October.

ORCHARD PARK, N.Y. (AP) — Bills rookie receiver Sammy Watkins will be ready to play against Kansas City this weekend despite hurting his groin in practice, a person familiar with the diagnosis told The Associated Press.
"He could play or he can be out for 2-3 weeks,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who knows," Marrone said. "I have no information except that he didn't finish practice."
The Bills offense is already limited by injuries. Running back C.J. Spiller (broken collarbone) was placed on injured reserve on Oct. 21 and fellow running back Fred Jackson is making his way back from a groin injury. Jackson practiced on a limited basis Wednesday for the first time since suffering his injury on Oct. 19, but his status is unclear for Sunday.
The Bills (5-3) are coming out of their bye week and have a home matchup against the Chiefs (5-3) on Sunday.
"It went OK today," Jackson said. "It was a good action,NFL Jerseys China, first time I've done anything like that at practice. We'll see how it goes, doctors are still being doctors and being cautious so I've got to see how things progress the rest of the week."
Marrone provided few details except to say Watkins didn't finish practice. Marrone said it was too early to determine the severity of the injury.
Jackson has 239 yards and one touchdown on 55 carries this season.
Watkins didn't show any noticeable signs of the injury in the team's locker room following practice,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, but declined to speak to reporters.

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