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[遊戲] China Jerseys ” the Minister explained.However









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發表於 2018-5-16 13:59:36 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Guyana is the only Caribbean country selected to be part of the UN Water Country Brief survey which is aimed at ensuring that the resource is sustainably managed.In this initial stage, 13 countries are beneficiaries to a profile study series carried out by the UN-Water Country Briefs (WCBs).On Wednesday last, Agriculture Minister,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, Dr. Leslie RamsammyDr. Lystra Fletcher-Paul presents Dr. Ramsammy with a copy of the UN Water County Brief produced on Guyana(GINA Photo)was provided with a six-page Brief which details the country’s water profile; water-related investment flow, evidence and analysis on the state of irrigated agriculture, drinking water and sanitation, environment and health energy, industry and water governance.This study has been implemented by the AQUASTAT Programme of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO),China Jerseys, under the auspices of UN-Water, and with financial support from the United States Department of State.In addition to providing an overview of the countries’ water system, the WCB is also designed to demonstrate to policy makers the value of investments in water resources.The six-page Brief was presented to Dr. Ramsammy by FAO Representative in Guyana,Cheap Jerseys China, Dr. Lystra Fletcher-Paul, who explained that apart from Guyana, WCBs has been produced for Bangladesh, Chile, Ghana, Kyrgyzstan, Mexico, Mongolia,Cheap Jerseys From China, Oman,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, Philippines, United Republic of Tanzania, Vietnam, and Zambia.Dr. Fletcher-Paul pointed out that water is becoming scarce, and that many countries are pumping more than is recharged.She pointed out that it is because of this that decision-makers and policy-making bodies need to have access to reliable information to allow for the formulation of effective, corrective and preventative strategies.Thus far, there has not been a national overview of the water system in Guyana, hence the birth of the WCBs which is expected to fill the gap in the water knowledge pool.The FAO official also expressed hope that this initiative will help to further increased political momentum.Meanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, Minister Ramsammy acknowledged that while the world faces this challenge, Guyana remains in a better position than the vast majority of countries, due to the local abundance of water.Dr. Ramsammy pointed out that Guyana is ranked among the top three countries in the world as it relates to water resources.“We have access (if we can harness it) to water that is over 300,000 millimeters per capita whilst most countries are dealing with per capita access of less than 10,000,” the Minister explained.However, he did point out that the irony of the situation is that Guyana can also go from having too much water to not having enough, almost instantaneously.He said that while water is pumped into the sea during the rainy season, “we would want the water back when the dry season steps in.”“But we cannot take it back, because now it would be filled with salt and other things,” Dr. Ramsammy emphasized.

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