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Wholesale NFL Jerseys









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發表於 2018-5-19 13:19:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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SAN DIEGO (AP) — The Chargers are preparing to play the Seattle Seahawks on Friday night. Then, they'll do it again a month later.
"I imagine it won't have a preseason feel to it," Rivers said. "It's their first game back since winning it all so it will be a real atmosphere in terms on what it is like to go on the road in a tough environment."
After the Chargers beat the Dallas Cowboys in Thursday's preseason opener, the focus has shifted to visiting the defending NFL-champion Seahawks.
Seattle travels to San Diego on Sept. 14,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and Rivers said facing Seattle twice in a month almost gives the matchup a divisional feel because of the familiarity.
The Chargers returned to practice on Monday after being off on Sunday. Cornerbacks Brandon Flowers (knee) and Jason Verrett (shoulder) continued to increase their workloads following offseason surgeries.
Defensively,China NFL Jerseys, the Chargers' first unit is smarting from allowing an 11-play drive against the Cowboys.
"It's weird and something that's new," Rivers said. "It will be nice to have tape of our guys going against them and then play them four weeks later.
"It was a good start and the best part was we didn't have any pre-snap penalties: delay-of-games and false starts,NFL Jerseys China," Rivers said.
Linebacker Donald Butler said the test comes later in stopping Seattle running back Marshawn Lynch.
Offensively, the Chargers' starters produced an 11-play drive which ended on Ryan Mathews' fumble while diving into the end zone.
"It will be good for us to get back in the noise and then see if we can avoid not having any false-start penalties," Rivers said. "We're going to be tested early in the preseason."
But in raucous Seattle,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, duplicating that feat will be a challenge.
"But at same time they're not going to run what they're going to run in the (regular season) game and we won't either,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping."
"It's different,Wholesale China Jerseys, but it really isn't a big deal," San Diego quarterback Philip Rivers said.
"It's preseason," Butler said. "We play them Week 2 so that is when I look forward playing against Marshawn."

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