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Cheap Jerseys 2018 ’” said Benons.The families









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發表於 2018-5-24 10:28:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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After more than a year, Natalie Caseley has been informed by Health MinisterNatalie Caseley (left) and Althea Benons protesting outside the Health Ministry on Monday.Dr Bheri Ramsaran, that a new investigation has been launched into the death of her four-year-old son, Jaden Mars. The child was rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) in December 2013, with a cut to his tongue. The child succumbed days later, after he was reportedly administered an overdose of anesthetic.As a result of a protest on Monday by the mothers and family members of Jaden Mars and Akeela Benons, Minister Ramsarran met with the two families in his office.Caseley informed Kaieteur News that it was indicated to her by Dr Ramsaran that the medical council has launched another investigation into her son’s death.“He said that it was only last week he brought up Jaden’s case in a meeting.”The Minister also admitted that the council was taking too long to come to a conclusion,China Jerseys Wholesale, according to Caseley. She claimed that the Minister would have also opined that “doctors may be covering up for doctors, and it could well be people trying to cover their asses.”While in the meeting,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Minister was reportedly calling persons and ordering them to get on with the investigations. Caseley also mentioned that at one point the Minister called someone, placing the phone on speaker while engaging in conversation. She said that he was trying to convince her that her son’s case was indeed brought up in a meeting recently.However the woman claimed that just as the person on the other side of the telephone was about to talk about findings into the case, the Minister hastened to mute the speaker application of the phone.The woman said that although the investigation may be like the other investigations – without conclusion – she is certain she will get justice for her son. Justice may be slow, but it is sure, she said.The luck was not the same for the Benons.Anica Benons, the aunt of Akeela Benons, said that her “intelligence was insulted” by the Minister as she confronted him about her three-year-old niece’s death.“If the child had an infection it could have led to an abscess,Cheap Jerseys Online,” the woman claimed the Minister expressed.“When I asked if something could not have been done about the abscess,NFL Jerseys China, he replied in an insolent manner, ‘you need to be more educated about your niece’s situation,’” said Benons.The families, along with the Critchlows,NFL Jerseys China, are still maintaining that their children died due to negligence by health practitioners.Last month,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, four-month-old Kevon Critchlow died less than 24 hours after being injected by a nurse at the Plaisance health centre. Although the preliminary post mortem indicated that the child died of brain hemorrhage, the family maintains that he was given a wrong injection.Two weeks earlier Akeela Benons died after she visited GPHC with a fever. The post mortem results showed that the child died from three pre-existing conditions: Septic Shock, Bronchopneumonia and a Brain Abscess.

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