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Cheap Arizona Cardinals Jerseys suffocation









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發表於 2018-5-30 10:43:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Marco Nunes DaSilva, 40,Alex Oxlade-Chamberlain Arsenal Jersey UK, a Brazilian citizen,NBA Jerseys Store, was found dead on June 2,Authentic Atlanta Falcons Jersey, 2015, in the Tamakay Backdam,Alexis Sanchez Jersey,Dead, Marco Nunes DaSilvaMazaruni River. A post mortem performed by Government Pathologist, Dr. Nehaul Singh, revealed that the man died of asphyxiation (suffocation).Father of the deceased, Jose De Ribamar, is of the opinion that his son was murdered and as such, is seeking justice.On June 1,College Jerseys, last, DaSilva had left his campsite at Tamakay Backdam in the company of four workmates to run an errand at a shop. The men later returned to the campsite, but DaSilva did not show up with them.Word had got out about the man being missing. One day later, a passerby found the body in the river and then informed De Ribamar of his son’s death.Workmates had made speculations saying that the man was probably drunk and fell overboard. But in the father’s opinion his son did not die that way.He said that police in the Mazaruni District had gone to the campsite to investigate the matter but he was never given an update on the investigations up to today.The peeved father is of the view that the police ranks who are investigating the matter are involved in corruption and bribery. The man said that as if his son’s death was not enough, he was blocked by police officers from witnessing his son’s post mortem after he told them that he believed the boy was murdered.De Ribamar is flabbergasted that no one was ever taken into custody for questioning into his son’s death.He said that operations at the dredge on which his son worked went on as normal while he was left to finance the transportation of his son’s body to the city.The family is now trying to raise money to transport the body back to Brazil. They are saddened that the boss after promising to help,Baker Mayfield Jersey, financially, to transport the body, has not been in contact with the family. The body is at the Lyken’s Funeral Parlour waiting to be airlifted back to Brazil.Making it clear that they are not trying to get on the bad side of the police, the family is calling on the relevant authority to look into the case.

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