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Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet the MJAS by its very name









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發表於 2018-6-2 04:53:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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State Prosecutors from the Chambers of the Directors of Public Prosecutions and senior investigating ranks as well as Police Prosecutors from the Guyana  Police  Force  are ending a two-day training workshop being held at the Regency Hotel, today.The training is under the sponsorship of the Modernization of the Justice Administration System project (MJAS).This training is a part of the first sub-component of the MJAS which focuses on enhancing the capacity of institutions within the justice sector. This includes the Re-organisation of the Director of Public Prosecutions Chambers (DPP) and phasing out police prosecution.The overall objective of the training is to transform the standards of prosecution in Guyana through the adoption of international ‘best practices’.It is expected that the end result will be that the 41 participants attending, will have an enhanced understanding of the more challenging aspects of the Law; increased ability to make better presentation of cases; enhanced ability to assess evidence and increased success rate of cases prosecuted.Madame Justice Claudette Singh,2018 Nike Air Max 98, the Project Coordinator of the MJAS project in her ‘Welcome and Opening Remarks,’ noted that ‘historically, it is said that Justice is old-fashioned – in that it clings to century-old procedures,Cheap Air Max 90 Kpu Sale, the MJAS by its very name, implies that the intention is to “Don the Coat of Modernity” and sweep away the cobwebs of past generations which enmesh our legal procedures, making them inappropriate in the 21st century.She further stated that at the heart of the programme, there is a move to dispense with archaic laws and procedural rules, bringing Guyana in line with modern legal international trends, best practices and standards.Director of Public Prosecutions, Mrs Shalimar Ali-Hack,Nike Roshe Run Men, noted that the training sessions take the form of experiential training on case preparation and trial practice. The focus is on areas of the law which are most popular in cases but which seem to pose the greatest problems.Special emphasis is on examination in chief, cross-examination and re-examination, procedures in the chain of custody and the tendering of both documentary and non-documentary exhibits, confession statements, identification and inconsistencies.The DPP also emphasized that the training will equipped the participants with more knowledge and better skills to do the “business” of fair and just prosecution. She stated that “prosecutors must be able to deliver justice to the public in this business of ours,Cheap Air Max 95 Sale, which is Justice.”The training is being conducted by lawyers attached to New Perimeter, a non-profit affiliate of DLA Piper which is working in 32 countries with a contingent of 4,000 lawyers engaged in assisting countries around the world in building capacity in the legal sector,Buy Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, on a ‘pro bono’ basis.Justice Claudette Singh said, “We are extremely fortunate to have them avail their skills and expertise to the Government of Guyana.”She also thanked the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) for its continued support to Guyana, in particular to the MJAS programme and for the opportunities afforded to the Justice Sector as a whole.A similar training is currently being done for Magistrates by lawyers from New Perimeter at the Grand Coastal Inn,Air Max 90 Black Leather, Le Ressouvenir, East Coast Demerara.

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