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A text-free version of the two-minute trailer for VAN HALEN's upcoming tour,Carlton Fisk Red Sox Jersey, which was shot on November 14 at the Roxy nightclub in West Hollywood,St. Louis Cardinals Stephen Piscotty Jersey, California,Wholesale Authentic China Jerseys, can be seen below. The clip apparently features visuals of the band performing a brand new song — but all you hear on the clip itself is audio of several David Lee Roth-era VAN HALEN classics.Several new photos of VAN HALEN can be found on the fan site Van Halen News Desk.VAN HALEN will announce the first details of its upcoming tour on January 3,Toronto Blue Jays J.A. Happ Jersey, with tickets set to go on sale a week later. The band's much-anticipated new album — which will be the band's first with original singer David Lee Roth in 28 years — will arrive on February 7,Charles Tapper Jersey, with the first single and video set to premiere on January 10.The November 14 shoot was reportedly for a video for the song that the band is seen but not heard playing in the tour announcement clip.VAN HALEN didn't just use the Roxy nightclub on Hollywood's Sunset Strip to shoot a music video. According to a post at the venue's web site,Custom Sweden Soccer Jersey, the reunited band has been rehearsing there for their upcoming tour for the past two months.VAN HALEN's new record deal with Interscope was finalized last month and marks the first time the band has recorded away from Warner Bros. Records, which signed the group in 1977.ALTER BRIDGE guitarist Mark Tremonti recently said in an interview that he had gotten an opportunity to hear new VAN HALEN music through his friendship with bassist Wolfgang Van Halen (guitarist Eddie Van Halen's son),Jacob Trouba Team North America Jersey, saying it sounded like "vintage VAN HALEN." Producer Ross Hogarth spoke with Ultimate-Guitar.com about the work he did on the project,Texas Rangers Ian Desmond Jersey, saying, "The whole VAN HALEN record has been recorded and we're all excited. I'm really stoked about it, as it is the original band, Eddie and Alex with Wolf playing bass, and David Lee Roth singing, it's the killing side of VAN HALEN at the top of their game again with Diamond Dave,Edinson Cavani Uruguay Jersey, and the band on fire."VAN HALEN reunited with Roth in 2007 for a successful year-long reunion tour — minus original bassist Michael Anthony, who now plays with ex-VAN HALEN singer Sammy Hagar in CHICKENFOOT.

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