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Marian Hossa Jersey au11qqfj









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發表於 2017-1-6 21:06:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Govt.Guyana is set to resume sugar exports to Jamaica with government yesterday stating that increased production made this possible.“Guyana is happy to be in a position this year after an absence to supply the Jamaican market with brown sugar. This comes after increased sugar production in Guyana,” Agri Minister, Robert Persaud,Jonas Brodin Jersey, said in response to questions.On Thursday,Mikael Granlund Jersey, Jamaica announced that it was forced to order supplies from Guyana to meet shortages.The domestic consumption of brown sugar in the Jamaica Market is averaged at 60,000 metric tonnes annually. This is usually supplied from their domestic production and complimented with imports from Guyana and from extra-regional countries,Pierre Turgeon Jersey, if the need arises.“There is an agreement between the corporation and the Jamaica Sugar Industry Authority to supply 12,CM Punk Jersey,500 mt of brown sugar during the period September to December, 2011. Shipments to Jamaica are on track to begin in late August to ensure on time arrival in Jamaica beginning September, 2011, when our contract for 2011 supplies is scheduled to begin,” Persaud disclosed.Guyana remains committed to meeting the needs of Jamaica, as with all other CARICOM territories,Trevor Daley Jersey, he said.On Thursday,Niklas Backstrom Jersey, the Jamaican Government said that it has placed an order for sugar from Guyana to avert shortages in that CARICOM country.Quoting the Agriculture Ministry,David Backes Jersey, the Jamaican Observer said that it has put in place measures to avert a shortage of sugar on the local market and has urged distributors not to hoard the product.Agriculture Minister Robert Montague claimed that the current shortfall in sugar production resulted from “under-performance of the sugar factories and sustained rainfall”.Montague sought to assure that arrangements for the importation of sugar were adequate to satisfy the domestic trade requirement over coming months.The re-entry of Guyana into the Jamaican sugar market will spell good news for Guyana which has been struggling to meet targets in recent years.The industry has embarked on a turnaround plan investing heavily in a state-of-the-art Skeldon factory and packaging plant at Enmore.However, low workers’ turnout continues to plague the industry.Despite registering 220,Joakim Nordstrom Jersey,000 tonnes of sugar in 2010,Gump Worsley Jersey, Guyana is targeting an ambitious 300,000 tonnes this year.

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