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發表於 2017-1-6 21:10:06 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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As the Main Parliamentary Opposition,Matt Dumba Jersey, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), continues to lay claim that persons affiliated with – or perceived to be associated with the party – were witch-hunted,Jonas Brodin Jersey, the evidence further remains elusive.Following the General Election held in May last year, which saw the A Partnership for National Unity + Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) pulling off an upsetting win,Jack Johnson Jersey, a number of persons were brought under the microscope faced with various allegations, with corruption being chief amongst them.Subsequently, the PPP/C claimed that there was a “vicious ongoing witch-hunt that the Granger Administration has launched within the public service and beyond.”The Opposition has stated that “Contrary to the bleatings of government officials,Antti Niemi Jersey, the witch-hunt exercise is proceeding at a fast and furious rate. Thus far,Pavol Demitra Jersey, permanent secretaries, presidential guards, contract workers, media workers, advisers, Chairmen and Members of State Boards, Diplomats, Regional Executive Officers to mention a few have had their services terminated with immediate effect and without their legally due benefits.”The PPP/C sought to bring this issue to the media’s attention however; requests were made by Media Operatives including Editor-in-Chief of this Publication, Mr. Adam Harris, to be provided with a list of these persons that were supposedly witch-hunted.The General Secretary of the Party, and Former Home Affairs Minister, Mr. Clement Rohee, had stated back in June that the party was in the process of preparing the list and would release it to the respective media outlets soon.Mr. Rohee is yet to do so. Instead, he advised that the media do some “Investigative Journalism” to identify the “victims”.During a recent Press Conference hosted at the Party’s Headquarters, Freedom House, at Robb Street, Georgetown on Monday,Joakim Nordstrom Jersey, Mr. Rohee spoke about issues that are fundamental to the preservation of Human Rights.International Human Rights Day will be observed on Saturday.The General Secretary said that since the May 2015 Elections,Clark Griswold Jersey, the rights of Guyanese citizens are being “shunned and flayed” with every passing day.He continued that the “whole slate of dismissals of persons perceived to be supporters of the PPP/C Administration and the thousands of young Amerindians by the current regime since its assumption to high office,Erik Gustafsson Jersey, “reeks of political and racial discrimination – another blatant violation of our fundamental Human Rights.”Mr. Rohee was once again challenged by Mr. Harris to provide the list – even one name would suffice,Ryan Nugent-Hopkins Team North America Jersey, Mr. Harris had pleaded.The General Secretary told the veteran Media Operative that the list is still being prepared.The Party Executive was asked whether he has any knowledge of persons that are knowingly affiliated – or perceived to be affiliated with the Opposition – that are still carrying out their respective duties in the various Governmental agencies.Rohee replied, “The Government will have to say that, I don’t know of any. Maybe there are but I don’t know them.”

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