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The efforts of Guyana’s recently introduced Kidney Foundation is poised to receive immense support from the Guyana Burn and Health Care Charitable Foundation Inc. of Canada.According to President of the Foundation, Mr Harry Harakh,Nike NFL Jerseys China, so far the Foundation has donated dialysis machines towards the cause. Additionally,Discount NFL Jerseys, the Foundation has brought expert trainers to Guyana to offer support to nurses in the area of renal care nursing education.“There is no such thing right now, I’m told…so by virtue of experience we have brought people to start the process of renal care education…Right now we are only providing the equipment and the training,NFL Jerseys Outlet,” Mr Harakh noted.Mr Harry Harakh With a number of reputable persons at its helm, including the likes of Emeritus Professor of the University of the West Indies, Dr George Nicholson, Guyana’s first Kidney Foundation was launched in March as part of the observance of the Sixth World Kidney Day.Designed to be driven by charitable support,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, the Foundation is geared at not only helping to channel disadvantaged persons towards gaining financial assistance but also to ensure that they are aware of important behavioural practices to promote healthy lifestyles.Detailing the mission of the Kidney Foundation, Chairman of the Foundation, Major General Retired, Joseph Singh, had noted that its existence is premised on the need to promote public awareness about prevention, treatment and the consequences of urinary tract diseases.It is also geared at supporting national health care efforts aimed at reducing illnesses caused by obesity, diabetes, hypertension and kidney failure and to encourage partnerships that mobilise financial and other resources to assist individuals who suffer from or are susceptible to these diseases.In addition to Professor Nicholson, the formation of the Foundation also saw input from the Ministry of Health,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the Five G Dialysis Centre,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, Dr Deen Sharma, Hugh Cholmondeley, the Foundation’s Secretary; Claudette Harry, Treasurer, and a number of other organisations and individuals.“We feel confident as members of the Board that it is on the right track and through creative partnerships we will succeed in executing our mission and our annual work plans,” Singh noted.The design and implementation of the annual work plans will fall under the responsibility of three committees – the Committee for Informed Citizens, chaired by Dr Deen Sharma; the Committee responsible for Informed Policy Makers, chaired by Dr Surendra Persaud; and the Committee responsible for Assisting Patients chaired by Professor Nicholson.According to Singh the Foundation is a registered charity, with an account at the Bank of Nova Scotia “into which I hope cooperate citizens of means will contribute generously so that the Foundation would have the financial resources to execute its mission…”

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