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In an effort to combat the mortality and morbidity rates among diabetics, officials from the Food Policy Division of the Ministry of Health (MOH) haveNutritionist Abigail Caleb addressing the gathering on Mondaystarted to training health care officials and volunteers from various communities across Guyana to be Diabetes Peer Educators.The Division kicked off a training programme,Nike Air Max Tn Ultra Plus, dubbed Diabetes Signature Programme,Cheap Nike Air Force One Shoes, on Monday, at the Linden Enterprise Network (LEN) Building at Mackenzie, Linden.Community volunteers and Health Care Workers from Linden and its immediate environs in Region Ten,Cheap Air Max 90, converge daily from 08:30 hours to 15:30 hours for various sessions. The training programme is expected to wrap up tomorrow.In 2008, diabetes was ranked as the fourth leading cause of death in Guyana; with 15.5 percent (65,000 persons) of the Guyanese adult population estimated to have diabetes. This figure is expected to rise to 17.9 percent (98,000 persons) by 2030.Worldwide, the number of people living with diabetes is expected to rise from the last estimated 366 million in 2011 to 552 million by 2030. This is the same as approximately three new cases every ten seconds or almost ten million per year.It is against that backdrop the Ministry has embarked on such a programme.Analese Roman,Cheap Jerseys From China, one of the Nutritionists attached to the team, explained that the Diabetes Training Programme was developed by the Canadian Diabetes Association and has been adapted for use by Guyana and other countries in the Caribbean to help reduce the mortality and morbidity rates among diabetics.Roman explained that the programme has several objectives. Among them, she said, is to provide awareness about the seriousness of diabetes, diabetes prevention and living with diabetes.The programme also aims to provide consistent, up to date, referenced and approved basic information about Type Two Diabetes to every community.According to the Nutritionist,Air Max 97 Silver Womens, the training is intended to equip community members with basic communication and counseling skills to carry out Peer Education (in diabetes) in their communities.Continuing, Roman said that the programme doesn’t end there. She said that the community members who receive training are expected to conduct a series of voluntary activities.Trained community members,Mens Nike Air Max 2018 Shoes, Roman said, will be tasked with teaching and counseling individuals with diabetes and conduct “kitchen table” education sessions with their neighbours and provide ongoing education as well as support for self-management skills.They are also expected to promote and form local associations in their communities.The Nutritionist said that the trainees will be exposed to meal planning, diabetic foot care, communication and counseling sessions.

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