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Jerseys From China









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發表於 2018-6-14 12:33:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The four-time Pro Bowler conceded the job to Prescott in November when the Cowboys were on a franchise-record 11-game winning streak, Romo played just one series in a meaningless regular-season finale at Philadelphia, throwing a 3-yard touchdown pass to Terrance Williams.
Not long after news broke that Houston had traded Brock Osweiler Jerseys NFL Wholesale to Cleveland, which led to instant speculation that the Texans would target Romo, Dallas' franchise leader in passing yards and touchdowns posted the video from the China Jerseys Cheap workout room in his house.
Romo was 78-49 as the starter in Dallas,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, but couldn't match the playoff success of Hall of Famers and multiple Super Bowl winners Roger Staubach and Troy Aikman. He was 2-4 in the postseason, winless on the road and never got the Cowboys to the NFC championship game.
"It's been overwhelming and it doesn't go unnoticed. I want to say thank you and we have a lot to think about going forward, but we'll see what happens."
DALLAS (AP) — Tony Romo remained with the Cowboys as the first day of free agency wrapped up Thursday, although the quarterback essentially said goodbye to Dallas fans in a video posted on Twitter.
"I just wanted to come to tell you it's been a crazy 48 hours here,Wholesale NHL Jerseys," Romo said as Bob Dylan's "The Times They Are A-Changin'" played in the background. "Me and my family felt the outpouring of support and love from all of you.
If the Cowboys trade Romo, they take the full $19.6 million salary cap hit this season,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, but won't have any dead money next year. With a release,Stitched Jerseys, they can spread the cap hit just about in half over two seasons.
The Cowboys have already started looking for another backup, hosting 15-year veteran Josh McCown on a free-agent visit Wednesday.

Romo wasn't released when the NFL opened for business after being told he would be, with reports surfacing hours before players could officially join other teams that the Cowboys were seeking a trade to try to get something for their former 10-year starter.
Osweiler's departure leaves fourth-year pro Tom Savage atop the depth chart in Houston. He's followed by Brandon Weeden, one of the backups who couldn't get the job done in Dallas in 2015 when Romo missed 12 games NFL Jerseys Online with a twice-broken left collarbone and the Cowboys finished 4-12.
The Cowboys were the top seed in the NFC at 13-3, but lost to Green Bay in the divisional round despite a fourth-quarter rally that cemented Prescott as the quarterback of the present and future.
Romo, who turns 37 next month and missed most of the past two seasons with injuries, lost the starting job Cheap Football Jerseys China to rookie Dak Prescott while recovering from a back injury sustained in the preseason,Cheap Stitched Jerseys.
Vice president of personnel Stephen Jones Cheap Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping.cheapchinanfljerseys.us/]Cheap Jerseys Online[/url] has said Dallas is interested in re-signing Kellen Moore, who was Romo's backup when he broke his right ankle in a training camp practice and missed the season. Prescott was the No. 3 quarterback before Moore's injury.

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