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Wholesale Jerseys









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發表於 2018-6-14 19:32:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Even Compton raved about what the Redskins are getting in Brown: "A lot of athleticism. The dude, it's very natural to him. He moves very well, he runs very fast."
"The edge is going to be set, go get the ball," Brown said. "Say no more. I'm going to do what you want me to do."

"I guess I just like proving people wrong," Brown said. "That's always something in my brain that makes me play that much harder."
"He told me: 'I just want you to come in and play football. We're not going to try to control you, not treat you like you're a robot when you're on the field,'" Brown said. "And I'm listening to him like that's what I wanted to hear. Don't have me as a robot. ... Let me play the game the way I play it."
Brown plays football like someone is always doubting him,Wholesale China Jerseys, so another prove-it season seems perfect for the 27-year-old. After making the Pro Bowl last season, he set the goal of wanting to win the defensive MVP award and is eager to show the rest  of the league he's the best defender on the field.
Brown already proved something, but now enters a situation where he's competing with established linebackers Will Compton and Mason Foster for a starting spot and playing time. Shocker: Brown embraces the chance for competition.
It should be the expectation that Brown starts, given the numbers he put up last season. Gruden said NFL Jerseys Online the system Washington runs with new defensive coordinator Greg Manusky is similar to what Rex and Rob Ryan NFL Jerseys Online had in Buffalo, so he expects Brown to adjust and feel comfortable quickly.
Instead of being a Day One signing,Jerseys From China, Brown had to wait more than two weeks before taking a one-year deal with the Washington Redskins at a bargain-basement price. Coach Jay Gruden's pitch sold him right away.
But Brown, three years removed from a torn pectoral muscle that cost him the 2014 season with the Tennessee Titans, isn't content just being an athletic,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, quick defender. He heard criticism early in his career that he was "soft" and could only cover in space,China Jerseys Cheap, so he improved his downhill running and run stopping.
Because Manusky reminds him so much of the Ryan brothers, Brown is excited about the Redskins' aggressive defense.
ASHBURN, Va. (AP) — A career year wasn't enough to make Zach Brown in demand.
"The next person or somebody's always going to come in and try to take your job,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, so for me every year I've been in the league I had competition," Brown said. "I was never just certified as the starter going into any season I've been playing so far."
The inside linebacker ranked second in the NFL with 149 tackles, had four sacks and two forced fumbles, yet he Cheap NFL Jerseys knew he'd be moving on from Buffalo. The Bills' coaching change from Rex Ryan to Sean McDermott and shift from a 3-4 to a 4-3 defense put the writing on the wall, so Brown tested the free agent market.
"He's going to be a heck of a player for us," Gruden said. "He's a great athlete. You can't coach the height,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, weight, speed that he has — the natural speed. You can feel it at linebacker with him chasing down players on the outside zones or the tosses outside and chasing NFL Jerseys Cheap down backs out of the backfield, so it's a great addition for us."
NOTES: Offensive tackle Kevin Bowen was carted off after injuring his lower left leg in a session of organized team activities on Wednesday. Gruden said Bowen was getting X-rays. ... For the second consecutive training camp, the Redskins won't host another team in Richmond, Virginia, for workouts.

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