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– will save weeks of construction timeGovernment,Wholesale China Jerseys, in a bid to cut construction time on some of its major road projects, has asked its contractors to prepare more of its structures away from the worksite.Several culverts and other structures on the East Bank Demerara, as a result, will be benefitting from prefab concrete boxes for use under some of the bridges.Earlier this week, Courtney Benn Contracting Services Limited (CBCSL) received several of the concrete prefab boxes which according to Darren Nurse, CBCSL’s General Manager,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, could effectively reduce construction time by several weeks.The company is working on 13 structures for government in the area between Garden of Eden and Timehri,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, East Bank Demerara, and already the company has begun to mobilize and work at three culverts in the Timehri/Soesdyke area.According to Nurse,Wholesale Jerseys China, there were attempts to procure the prefab concrete structures in Guyana and Trinidad but after examining proposals,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, it was decided that a company in Florida was the best option.On Wednesday, 26 of these prefab boxes arrived in Guyana and are now stored in the old Park Hotel compound on Main Street.Nurse explained that normally, to rebuilt culverts,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the roadways have to be dug up and then preparatory works done before concrete is poured to set the structures. This takes time, he stressed.Now,Wholesale Jerseys, with the prefab boxes, workers will have it easier with the site prepared and the boxes then lowered and fitted together. Each box is built to fit into another and it would take around 8-9 of these prefab boxes to build one of the culverts, the official said.It would be possible for CBCSL to now work on three of the East Bank Demerara culverts simultaneously.The prefab concrete boxes are very durable, with the contract requiring them to be able to withstand at least 6,500 pounds per square inch (PSI). However, the boxes can withstand up to 13,000 PSI.Several more of the prefab boxes, in varying sizes, are expected to come in May and June for the other culverts, Nurse disclosed.The East Bank Demerara culverts are part of a bigger project by government to repair several of these structures from Timehri to Rosignol.

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