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發表於 2018-6-17 06:51:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Deputy Mayor, Robert Williams, on Wednesday stated that payments to garbage collection contractors are scheduled to be made by next week.He explained that the Mayor and City Council (M&CC) owes its garbage collectors retroactively to November last year.Kaieteur News was told that the M&CC’s payment of expenses depends on the amount of money its treasury contains and this amount is accumulated from the revenues which the Council receives from ratepayers.Williams revealed that for January, the Council has received $129M from these taxpayers, which is a $19M increase in comparison with the $110 M received in January 2010.This is because many property owners are “honoring their obligations and recognizing civil needs” even though there is a small percentage of property owners who neglect their duties and responsibilities as it relates to paying taxes.This publication was told that there are over 28,000 property owners in Georgetown and the M&CC does not assess this fact by numbers but by commercial and residential taxes.The Deputy Mayor also proffered that the Council’s budget, which is in the vicinity of $2.5B, is expected to be presented to the Ministry at 11:00 hrs on March 11, 2011 while citing the reason for the slight delay as being that the M&CC were extremely careful in “taking the opportunity to go in depth into the details of the estimates of the income and expenditure”.Williams said that last year, the budget catered for 1,145 members of staff while the actual figure was 745. This year it caters for 906 staff members.He went on to say that vacancies such as those of the position of the Town Clerk, Deputy Health Visitor, City Treasurer, Roads Foreman and Senior Health Visitor are very crucial and must be filled as soon as possible if the M&CC wishes to ensure that it is a comfortable working environment which functions to the best of its capabilities.Kaieteur News was also told that as the Council continues expediting its duties as it relates to regularizing pavement vending, it is “clamping down” on itinerant vendors as well as persons who are setting up little outlets in walkways and hamper the free passage of individuals.An example was given of the “Stretch Your Dollar Store” located at Robb Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Georgetown, where the staff members were found displaying items outside of the store.Some senior officials of the M&CC told Kaieteur News that they have received numerous reports against the store and letters of warning and notices were sent to the owners stating that they should not be vending in that manner, however, it would seem as if no heed was paid to the M&CC’s letters since the vending continued. Items are now being seized.

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