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發表於 2018-6-17 10:04:53 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Last Tuesday marked 50 years since the establishment of the Linden Utility Services Cooperative Society Limited (LUSCSL) and to celebrate the occasion the organization hosted a cocktail reception at the Watooka Complex for its staff, members and special invitees.Among the special guests were Minister of Labour Manzoor Nadir, and the Chief Coops Officer.Minister Nadir congratulated LUSCSL for achieving the milestone, and wished them greater success in the future.The Minister said that he felt very happy after receiving the invitation for the cocktail to celebrate the occasion that very morning,Cheap Jerseys, and said he dropped everything else and made preparations to travel to Linden, as he was very impressed and thought that 50 years was indeed a reason for celebration.  The minister posited that the milestone was a very significant one, and exhorted LUSCSL to serve as a beacon for other Cooperatives across the country.His exhortation to all was to guard against any form of ‘skullduggery’ that would necessitate Government’s intervention.In reference to remarks made by LUSCSL Chairman Valerie Adams-Sharpe earlier – in which she reiterated her remarks made shortly after she was installed as Chairman when she told the Minister that he would never have to take back the Society from its members – Minister Nadir pointed out that it was never government’s intention to take back Coops,Cheap Jerseys Store, as the administration has always supported Cooperatives in this country. But he stressed that it is important that COOPs be properly managed.Interim Management Committee Chairman,China NFL Jerseys, Orrin Gordon who was a former Chairman of LUSCSL said that the coop remains as relevant and important today as when it was established.Gordon said he wished that the society would continue to expand and grow.In alluding to some of the beleaguered times that the entity has gone through, after which it was taken back from the members and managed by an interim body, Gordon said that the entity has shown its resilience and bounced back.He pointed out that there were going to be challenges,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, but urged members and staff to hold the Society as a beacon of sustenance and the cooperative spirit in Guyana.And yesterday, Mrs. Adams-Sharpe  and Mr.  Gordon turned the sod identifying the spot for the erection of a bus shed in the vicinity of the New Silver City Secondary School. On hand to witness the event was LUSCSL Manager Esme Yangapatty,Cheap Jerseys From China, and several Children from the New Silver City Secondary SchoolOther activities planned to commemorate LUSCSL’s fiftieth anniversary will be a Church Service at Fruits of Calvary Church on April 25th and the distribution of food hampers to four spouses of founder members of the Coop and the two oldest employees. A donation will also be made to the church. The week of activities will culminate on May 5th with a Family Fun Day at the Bayrock Community Centre Ground for LUSCSL staff and society members.LUSCSL was officially handed back to its members, in August 2007, after being managed by an interim body for two years. The new and present Committee of Management was installed by Minister Manzoor Nadir.The Minister had said then that Government had recommitted to the development of cooperatives, and would ensure that all societies are functioning or face possible dissolution.Recently government took control of more than twenty cooperative societies across the country,China Jerseys, after evidence of irregularities and mismanagement surfaced. However LUSCSL continues to grow and recently established an electrical store and document centre on the ground floor of its Burnham Drive Offices. This latest economic venture is the second subsidiary to be established by LUSCSL. The first was a logging concession established several years ago.LUSCSL, formerly the Wismar/Christianburg Electricity Supply Cooperative Society,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, was registered in 1960, to supply electricity to its members, all of whom resided on the Wismar shore.The cooperative was established after some Demba employees approached the Company for electricity to be supplied to the residents of the Wismar Housing Scheme.The Cooperative was established with twenty-five members. Today membership has grown to approximately 4,800 persons. LUSCSL is one of the oldest Cooperatives in Guyana.

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