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發表於 2018-6-17 17:23:02 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Patriots would say the same.
They've been using White as an example for current students at St. Thomas Aquinas for some time — long before he entered Super Bowl lore.
There's a bit of irony that White's biggest NFL moment came against Atlanta.
He was a standout center fielder for St. Thomas Aquinas,Cheap Jerseys Store, batting NFL Jerseys Online first or second in the Cheap NFL Jerseys order and making base-stealing look easy. The scouts came knocking,Cheap Jerseys, ones from the Braves in particular. And White seriously considered pursuing baseball instead of football.
As White has proven before, that was irrelevant.
And that will continue. They're hoping to get White on campus for a rally with the school's 2,200 students later this week, once things like Tuesday's parade in Boston are completed.

Before the Patriots left Jerseys From China Houston for home on Monday, Brady suggested White should have been MVP — the award that the Patriots quarterback received for a record fourth time.
He set Super Bowl records by scoring 20 points and making 14 catches for 110 yards. He had two rushing touchdowns, including the game-winner in overtime as the Patriots came back from 25 points down and stunned the Atlanta Falcons 34-28 for the franchise's fifth Lombardi Trophy.
Had things gone a little differently eight years ago, White might be calling Atlanta home.
"Isn't he great?" Smith asked.
"White is like my oldest son," Brady said. "He just does everything right and you can never get mad at him because even if he doesn't make the play, he feels worse about it than you do, you know? He's just the best teammate. He's an incredible player. ... I'm so proud of him and everything he's accomplished. I've seen him grow from a rookie to working his tail off to become a big factor in all these games."
"I think James White deserves it," Brady said. "It'd be nice for him."
White really started making an impact with the Patriots last season, when Dion Lewis got hurt. More than half of his touches in the Super Bowl came in the fourth quarter or overtime,Cheap Jerseys From China, when New England was desperately trying to find something that worked.
"Always was on time, always had his homework, worked hard to get his grade, always got his A," said Ed Waters, who was his high school baseball coach and also taught him American history and Cheap Jerseys From China government. "Sounds too good to be true, but he definitely is in that category."
"He did whatever we wanted here," Smith said. "He was unbelievable."
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — James White was not the New England Patriots' featured running back when Super Bowl 51 started.
Such has been his career trajectory — he's always been considered good on whatever team he's with,China NBA Jerseys, whether it was St. Thomas Aquinas or Wisconsin for college or New England now. But the real appreciation of White, at all three of those places, has come in the moments when he's been called upon to take on a bigger role.
When the Patriots needed him Sunday night, White was the deal again.
In 2009,Discount NFL Jerseys, White was Cheap Stitched Jerseys a senior at St. Thomas Aquinas High School in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. He was a starter for the perennial state and national powerhouse but wasn't considered the go-to ball carrier. That role was held by Giovanni Bernard,Cheap NFL Jerseys, now of the Cincinnati Bengals.
"Gio was more the tailback, and a lot of times we changed our sets so we could use both of them," said St. Thomas Aquinas athletic director George Smith, the school's football coach when White was a senior. "But when Gio was hurt in his senior year and couldn't play, James took a whole different path. He became the deal."
Apparently, Tom Brady thinks so.

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