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–   Projects economy boostWeeks after Fly Jamaica Airline introduced its nonstop cargo service to the United States, the company is looking to expand its service to its other destinations.Though the cargo service to the United States has been successful during the past few weeks, the airline is looking for more and is expecting to include the service to Canada.An official of the airline explained that Fly Jamaica began its nonstop cargo service to the US on June 1. Every week since then, Fly Jamaica has been exporting cargo to the States. The official further said that the clearance for exporting to Canada is expected soon.“We go to Toronto, New York and Jamaica so we’ll be shipping cargo to all of our destinations,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,” the official said. He continued, “That means we’ll be exporting mostly,World Cup Jerseys, which will help this economy.”He added that the airline will also be facilitating imports. “We’ll also be bringing in what is needed from Jamaica, Canada and America. So, our cargo service is onboard and there’s no turning back from that,” he said.According to Fly Jamaica,Nike Air Max 97 Australia, its Boeing 767 and 757 aircrafts are the best equipped in the region to carry general cargo. For its recently introduced nonstop cargo service,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Cheap, Fly Jamaica will take refrigerated items, fruits and vegetables, seafood, other perishables,Cheap Nike Air Max Wholesale, live animals, and human remains.“It’s continuous and every flight we’re accepting cargo,Air Max 2018 Shoes,” the official said.Fly Jamaica emphasised that it will not accept dangerous goods as cargo at this time. It added that the movement of goods between countries is government by the laws of these nations and must be adhered to at all times.The official noted Guyana’s rich produces and emphasised that the cargo service provided an excellent opportunity to fully utilize Guyana’s resources.Furthermore, the official said that Fly Jamaica will at all times maintain professionalism and will be paying attention to documentation, space availability, size and its carrier acceptance.The nonstop cargo service is an expansion of Fly Jamaica’s previous cargo service. For some time, the airline has been providing service to individuals and large businesses.

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