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發表於 2018-6-19 17:46:27 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Defence Force last evening announced that five ranks will be sent to a state prison to serve sentences ranging from three to four months after they were court martialed for being Absent Without Leave and Desertion.According to a statement issued by the Army, Corporal Jerome Gomes, Ordinary Rating Anthony Mortley and Ordinary Rating Gavin Andrews were sentenced to three months’ imprisonment on a conviction of absence without leave contrary section 48(a) of the Defence Act,Wholesale Jerseys, Chapter 15:01. Gomes was represented by Attorney at Law James Bond while Mortley and Andrews were unrepresented.Corporals Ptolemy Ireland and Ravin Carroll were sentenced to three months and four months imprisonment respectively,NFL Jerseys Outlet, on conviction for the offence of desertion. They were both unrepresented.The Guyana Defence Force stated that the sixth rank Private Kumar Shivlochan who was charged with the offence of absence without leave contrary to section 48 (a) of the Defence Act,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, was sentenced to 42 days detention and discharged with ignominy. He too was unrepresented.Gomes,Cheap Jerseys From China, Mortley, Andrews, Ireland and Carroll are to be incarcerated at state prisons.The trials commenced and ended on May 1ast,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, last. All accused persons pleaded guilty.A relative of one of the men said that she feels the young man has been treated unfairly by the organisation he once served. Admitting that the young man was absent without leave for six months she decided to take him in to the Army.“When I took him in he was detained at Camp Ayanganna from March 5, until May 15 when he was court martialed. This means he was detained for 42 days and after so long he was still sentenced to prison.”The relative said that she was in contact with a senior officer who promised her that given the time the young man was in detention,Jerseys NFL Cheap, consideration will be given, but now he will still have to spend three months in prison.”Further there are claims that one of the ranks had tendered his resignation which was not accepted,Cheap Jeseys NFL, hence the rank decided to go absent without leave.This publication was told that frustration over the high cost of living forced the rank to leave the organisation to upkeep his family despite being told that his resignation was not accepted.“This man is not on any contract with the army; if he wants to leave they should allow him to leave. This man doesn’t owe the army anything, and even in cases where a person owes the army he can pay back and leave”.Relatives of the men said that the prison sentence will forever be on the men’s track record which will make it hard for them when seeking employment in the further.

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