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Nike NFL Jerseys China for which the media is encouraged to maintain









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發表於 2018-6-19 20:58:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The latest report of the Media Monitoring Unit for the recently held General and Regional Elections has once again exposed the deep partisan nature of the media landscape in Guyana.The report, which was compiled from the performance of the various media houses during the month of November, pointed to media bias, especially the state media, in favour of the various political parties.Except for a few privately owned outfits, some media went over board to promote the political parties to which they are closely aligned, while lambasting those that they oppose.The latest report is the third and penultimate one produced by the MMU for the 2011 General and Regional Elections.It provides information on the Unit’s observations, analyses and conclusions of the performances of the print and broadcast media vis-à-vis the 2011 Media Code of Conduct (MCC), for the period 01/11/11 to 27/11/11.In addition to the quantitative statistics produced, the Unit has also documented for the record, those instances of unethical reporting or qualitative breaches of the Media Code of Conduct, which were detected during the course of the reporting period.The broadcast and print media from where coverage was timed and measured for the political parties are: Television:- CNS Ch 6, WRHM Ch 7, HBTV Ch 9, NCN Ch 11, TVG Ch 28, MTV Ch 65 and NTN 69; Radio:- Voice Of Guyana (VOG) and Newspaper:- Guyana Chronicle, Stabroek News, Guyana Times and Kaieteur News.In analyzing the period the MMU noted that undoubtedly, the print and broadcast media played an influential and defining role in the provision of information which helped to determine voting preferences in the lead up to the elections, which took place on November 28.Each of the three major political parties, which contested the elections, intuitively recognized the utility of employing a two-prong strategy of campaigning by promoting their public meetings in consonance with media campaigns, so as to effectively get their messages across to the converted,Cheap Air Max Shoes For Sale, the first-timers and the undecided.However, it is within this milieu that the Unit observed the abandonment of strong Editorial control in the broadcast media, reflected in what was allowed to be channeled to viewers through their television sets.As was expected, the better financed political parties bought up prime airtime to broadcast replays of their public rallies and meetings via television.According to the MMU, as is customary at these meetings, politicians want to give in to their base instincts and indulge in anti-social behaviour and language when ‘playing to the gallery’But the MMU pointed out that because of the intrinsic ability of television to reach a large disparate audience by the flick of a button, the unedited airing of these meetings was totally unacceptable and repugnant in that they served to bring the animus of the campaign hustings uninvitingly into people’s living rooms, thereby exposing them in the process, to the crass ad hominem attacks and general indecorum directed by the politicians towards their competitors.The Unit said that the unedited airing of these meetings on television was a contravention of Section B 2 (C) of the Media Code of Conduct which,Nike Air Max Cheap Wholesale, inter alia, advises editors to always exercise judgment in favour of good taste and respect for public decency, by refusing or insisting on the modification of material submitted by political parties for publishing/airing that does not conform to acceptable legal, moral and other standards.On another related issue, the Unit observed that on the day before elections, there were unrestrained broadcasts of rallies, talk-shows and commentaries, promoting the contesting political parties on various television channels, as candidates used the available opportunities to make their final pitches to the electorate.“But, as much as this may have appeared to be innocuous, the time-frame of the airing of these promotional events violated Section M of the Media Code of Conduct which expressly forbids media organizations from giving coverage to activities by political parties for a period of twenty-four (24) hours prior to the opening of Polling Stations on the day of Polling, and lasting until the close of polling.”According to the MMU, the television stations which knowingly or unknowingly breached this provision of the Code were Channels 6,Nike Roshe Run For Cheap, 9, 28, 65 and 69.“After taking into consideration the number of Channels that fell foul of the aforementioned Section of the Code, the Unit was concerned that maybe after being signed,Nike Air Force One Shoes Women, the Media Code of Conduct is probably gathering dust on the shelves of many of the country’s media houses.“Anyway, the Unit will not publicly indulge in unproductive speculations regarding the origins of the contraventions of the Code; instead, we will continue to highlight them whenever they occur in keeping with our mandate.”A breakdown of the Unit’s analysis of the various media houses showed that the Guyana Chronicle, the Guyana times, the National Communications Network (radio and television) and Channels, 65, 69 and 28 all favour the PPP/C in terms of positive coverage.Almost all the opposition parties received a significantly high percentage of negative coverage when compared to the positives, by these news entities.For example the VOG News gave the PPP/C the most favourable coverage, followed by AFC, APNU and TUF, in a descending order. Also, the positive coverage given to the PPP/C through the newscast was more than three times the same coverage apportioned to AFC, APNU and TUF, combined. Only three parties were covered negatively – PPP/C, APNU and AFC – with APNU receiving the highest, AFC the second highest and PPP/C, the least. Additionally, the negative coverage bestowed upon APNU was more than double the amount parceled out to AFC and PPP/C, combined.The Station’s General Programmes provided the PPP/C with a large amount of positive and a moderate amount of neutral coverage, while there was no measurable coverage timed for any of the other political parties.An analysis of the letters column of the Guyana Chronicle showed that the PPP/C received the most positive coverage followed in a descending order by AFC and APNU. Additionally, the Party (PPP/C) received more than nine times the positive coverage observed and measured for AFC and APNU, combined.APNU attracted the largest amount of negative publicity, followed by AFC and TUF, in that order. Further, the Party (APNU) was credited with more than twice the negative coverage directed at AFC and TUF, combined.Overall, the PPP/C received no negative coverage but a large amount of positive and a moderate amount of neutral coverage.The Columns that appeared in the newspaper during the course of this reporting period, provided the PPP/C with the largest chunk of positive publicity, followed by APNU, with the AFC gaining the least. For the record, the PPP/C was the beneficiary of double the amount of positive coverage allotted collectively to APNU and AFC.Just two (2) parties were negatively portrayed – APNU and AFC – with APNU receiving 53 times more negative than AFC.Quite the opposite occurred when the privately run television stations were analyzed.Channel Six, for example with its talk shows, presented information to the public which gave APNU the most positive coverage amongst the political parties, with AFC gaining just enough to occupy the second position, and PPP/C, gaining the least.Comparatively, the positive coverage timed for APNU was extensively more than the same totaled for AFC and PPP/C combined.In fact, APNU’s good positive showing had a lot to do with, but was not limited to, the use of the popular Voice of the People programme to actively push the Party’s campaign during this reporting period.With regards to the Capitol News, APNU was provided with the most positive coverage, followed by AFC, PPP/C and TUF, in that order. Also, the PPP/C was apportioned the highest amount of negative coverage, followed by TUF, then AFC.The same can be said of the news team of Prime News.The news team of First Look News allotted the AFC the most positive coverage amongst the political parties, followed in succession by APNU, PPP/C, and TUF. In fact, the Party’s (AFC) positive coverage approximated the combined coverage timed for APNU, PPP/C, and TUF in the positive columns.Quite differently, the PPP/C was the recipient of the most negative coverage, followed by APNU and AFC, with the Party’s (PPP/C) coverage approximating that of APNU and AFC, combined.When it comes to the Stabroek News, the Editorials provided relatively small amounts of positive coverage to APNU and AFC.Otherwise, the editorial writers, through their expressed opinions, rewarded the PPP/C with the most negative publicity from amongst the Political Parties, followed by APNU, with AFC coming in for the least.From the letters  that were published in the newspaper for this reporting period, the highest amount of column inches of positive publicity was observed and measured for APNU, followed by PPP/C then AFC, in that order. Also, the largest accumulation of negative publicity was measured on behalf of the PPP/C, followed sequentially downward by APNU, AFC, and TUF.The newspaper’s Columnists collectively distilled by far, the largest amount of positive coverage on APNU, whilst giving AFC the second largest share, followed by PPP/C and TUF, in that order. By the same token, the PPP/C was the object of the most negative coverage amongst the parties and was followed in a decreasing order by APNU and AFC.For the current reporting period, the Editorials of the Kaieteur News Newspaper generated coverage for just two of the political parties– PPP/C and APNU.According to the MMU, only the PPP/C received measurable positive coverage.However, both PPP/C and APNU were the recipients of negatively expressed opinions with the PPP/C being the target of the most.Furthermore, when measured by column inches, the PPP/C received 32 times more negative coverage than APNU.Separately, the negative views expressed through the Editorials about the PPP/C, over the course of this reporting period, were largely more than the positive comments made about it.Dissimilarly, APNU was not merited with any measurable positive comments from the newspaper’s editorial writers, but, instead, was the recipient of extremely small amounts of negative and neutral coverage.In the newspaper’s Letters Column the PPP/C attracted the highest amount of positive coverage, closely followed by APNU, AFC and TUF. Instructively,Wholesale Air Max Tn, the PPP/C was targeted for the most negative views penned by writers to the Column, and was followed in a descending order by APNU, AFC and TUF.From the contents of the Columns which appeared in the newspaper over the past month, the AFC attracted the highest amount of positive commentary, followed by PPP/C and APNU, in that order. The PPP/C came in for the largest accumulation of negative commentary, followed by APNU, AFC, and TUF. Of note, is that the negative coverage distilled on the Party (PPP/C) by the newspaper’s columnists (particularly Frederick Kissoon) exceeding the same coverage measured in column inches for APNU, AFC and TUF, combined.Comparatively, the PPP/C gained from the Columns, a negative to positive ratio of coverage of over 6:1; APNU, a negative to positive ratio of over 10:1 (with most of the negative coverage emanating from the “Peeping Tom” column); AFC, a positive to negative ratio of approximately 19:1; and TUF, gaining a slight amount of negative coverage, only.Of course,Cheap Air Max 97 Trainers, the PPP/C with its vast financial resources, hogged the advertisements carried by all the media houses.Generally though, on a positive note for the reporting period, the unit observed no ethical breaches of the Code as it relates to the publishing of information that is racially inciting, divisive, inflammatory etc., for which the media is encouraged to maintain, even as the country enters the critical post-elections period.

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