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發表於 2018-6-20 01:21:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– angers relatives Relatives of Urlene Morgan, 20, the market vendor who was accidentally shot by an off duty police officer on Thursday, are baffled about the decision by the Georgetown Public Hospital to discharge her only after one day at the institution.According to relatives, Morgan was told that she should be on two weeks’ bed rest. The woman’s aunt, Donna Morgan, yesterday told Kaieteur News that she was surprised to hear that the hospital had discharged her niece.She said that the doctors told the pregnant mother that she should return if she gets any pains about the body and also if she starts bleeding.“Why should she wait until something develops? Why can’t they keep her a little longer just to make sure everything is fine with her?” the aunt queried.Kaieteur News also managed to contact the pregnant mother, who said that she was still in severe pain. “I get shoot so I still feeling de pain in meh back; I can’t get to sleep properly” the woman said.She said that she is seeking to get legal advice.“I am getting a lawyer because I would like to know how I stand legally”. She said that she deserves some sort of compensation because she could have lost her life or she could have miscarried.Morgan further stated that she is getting normal fetal movements, which brings some relief. She was also given medication and told to relax until she feels better.The woman further told Kaieteur News that she now has to be forced to take private medical attention to ascertain everything is fine with her.This newspaper understands that Senior Police Officers, including Divisional Commander Assistant Commissioner, George Vyphuis, and Force Welfare Officer Assistant Superintendent, Ann Thompson, visited Morgan while she was a patient at the institution.Urlene Morgan, of 64 Company Road,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, Buxton, who is five months pregnant with what would be her first child was rushed to hospital on Thursday after she was shot in the back by an off duty police rank.According to eyewitnesses, the off duty police officer was trying to apprehend a bandit who had just snatched a cell phone from a female student when he accidentally shot the woman. The bandit who was riding a bicycle managed to escape in the crowd. He was however arrested.The woman’s mother, Yvette Morgan, who is also a vendor at the market, had said that her daughter was unpacking her goods when the incident occurred.The woman said shortly after she heard a gunshot and ran for cover in a nearby store.Morgan said she only became aware that her daughter was shot after she started shouting for help.The Police Officer and Morgan’s mother quickly summoned a taxi which transported the injured woman to the hospital.Some vendors had told this newspaper that the officer who is involved in the shooting is the only police officer who would take on the bandits who rob unsuspecting people in the Stabroek Market.Other vendors said that the officer should feel the full brunt of the law because he was too careless and could cause Morgan to lose her child or her life. A police release said that the rank was trying to arrest a bandit who had just snatched a cell phone. The release further stated that the policeman pursued and confronted the suspect in Water Street.It was alleged that the suspect pulled out a knife and attacked the rank, which caused the rank to resort to the use of force and he discharged a round from his service firearm at his attacker’s foot which hit the ground and ricocheted, accidentally hitting Morgan.(Latoya Giles)

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