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發表於 2018-6-20 01:22:55 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Guyana Association of Private Security Organizations (GAPSO) has pledged to work with the police to address the crime problem, primarily in the city, throughout the Christmas season and beyond.Head of the organization, Gregory Gaskin,Wholesale China Jerseys, assured the police last Thursday that GAPSO, with its 6,000 security officers on the ground at various locations throughout the city, could provide adequate support for the police.“These are persons who, during the Christmas season, will be working at all the stores on Regent Street, all the stores on Water Street, all the stores on Robb Street. We could provide you with vital information on criminal elements, pickpockets and shoplifting,” Gaskin said.He intends to invite the planners of the police Christmas security campaign to meet with his organization to iron out areas of cooperation.Although the police will be putting more ranks on the road for the holiday season, private security personnel could form a vital link in preventing criminal activities, especially in the busy downtown areas.Responding to the GAPSO president, Acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene said that the police did not overlook the private security services when they began mapping out their plans for the city security campaign.Greene said that while the Commander of the Police ‘A’ Division did not approach the private security umbrella body, the police have been working with five or six firms that usually support the law enforcement agency during this period.“Normally, they (private security firms) would come out and help, but over the last two or three years, because of their own pressures, the private security people have not been able to give us much help,” Greene said.However, he said that in planning the Christmas security plan, private security firms were factored in to ensure that they will be taken on board.The acting Commissioner told this newspaper that the Guyana Police Force has a plan to ensure a certain type of training for private security firms, and this will go a far way in enabling them to play their part in providing security for the nation.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-30 14:23:08 | 只看該作者

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They'll be available, legally, straight from the source.
Now those searches will be more fruitful.
YouTube spokesman Matt McLernon, pointing to the site's past streaming of live Olympic events, said the opportunity is there and the technology is waiting if the league were to decide to do so.
Content posted daily to the portal by the league will include game previews, in-game highlights, post-game recaps and clips featuring news, analysis,Diego Maradona Jersey, fantasy football advice and other original programming from NFL Network and NFL.com. Highlight packages from the current postseason were already viewable Sunday, and plenty of Super Bowl programming was scheduled to appear throughout the week and after the game.

On Monday, the league and YouTube announced a partnership between two of the most powerful brands in the marketplace, creating an official NFL channel on the video website. Clips will also be directly viewable through simple Google searches.
"We continue to see an insatiable appetite for digital video content, and this partnership further expands fans' ability to discover and access NFL content throughout the year," Hans Schroeder, the NFL's senior vice president of media strategy, business development and sales, said in a statement distributed by the league.
Searching for Super Bowl highlights next week after the big game?
Football fans still flocked to the site, of course. Maybe they pulled up one of those "Bad Lip Reading" montages of silly voice-overs accompanying game clips. Or in the hunt for that favorite highlight — "Odell Beckham Jr. one-handed catch," for instance — they found a bunch of shaky camera-phone videos that some New York Giants fan took of the TV screen.
Terms of the deal were not provided. But it's a safe bet that it's worth a lot of money.
Previously,Kyrie Irving Jersey, the NFL videos that popped up in a YouTube search weren't sanctioned. The NFL,Clark Griswold Jersey, like many other entities and organizations, has used a YouTube tool called "Content ID" to be able to block unlicensed videos.
"We would welcome it with open arms if the NFL or any other league" wanted to show live games on the site, McLernon said.
Game highlights and other content will also be available through Google's search engine, which will display official NFL videos along with related news and information in a box at the top of the page. Kickoff times and broadcast information for every NFL game will be prominently displayed.
The league, citing Nielsen data,Nike Charlotte Hornets Authentic Jerseys, said the 2014 regular season reached 202.3 million unique viewers, representing 80 percent of all television homes and 68 percent of potential viewers in the U.S., and NFL games accounted for the entire top 20 and 45 of the top 50 most-watched television shows last fall.
The billion-dollar question, then, is whether this partnership will pave the way for eventual live streaming of games through the YouTube site rather than over the air or on cable. Probably not anytime soon,Cheap Nike Basketball Jerseys, though. NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said "the focus is on non-live highlights." He added that "the agreement will provide tremendous exposure for our broadcast partners."
Google acquired YouTube in 2006. The tandem previously formed partnerships with the other three major American sports leagues, MLB,Chile Soccer Jersey, the NBA and the NHL. Google has been trying to mine more revenue from YouTube, which is positioned for further growth as consumers continue to shift toward online and mobile viewing and away from live television.
The NFL has protected its video as fiercely as any league, pushing most users to its website or to its broadcast partners.
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