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發表於 2018-6-20 01:44:20 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…bandits struck twice only weeks agoAs if losing over $2M worth in items to bandits a few weeks ago was not enough, a power surge in the Rose Hall Town area on Tuesday afternoon resulted in several appliances belonging to the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club being damaged.Secretary and CEO of the club,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Mr Hilbert Foster described the power surge as one that rubbed salt in the wounds of the already dire situation that exists at the club as a result of the bandit attacks.He recounted that about 1:58 pm while in the office, “There was a loud noise from the lights in the office and smoke started to come from the two fans that were working. Then they stopped working immediately”.The television set that was being used to select songs for the club’s TV programme and a DVD Player “which was playing some soft music all went off—a total shutdown — When I tried to use the cordless phone to call somebody, I recognized that was dead as well”.Foster noted that of the six bulbs in the office, only one remained working,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, and “all of the rest blow up after a loud explosion”. He added that two fans are down. “We lost the CD player which is worth about $80,CHeap NFL Jerseys China,000; the TV set $70,NFL Jerseys Cheap,000; the cordless phone $15,000; the refrigerator and DVD player”.He said that he found out that the entire area was affected by similar events since he spoke with persons in the area,China NFL Jerseys, including one of the club’s Under- 15 cricket players. “They were watching TV and their [TV] set also blew up as well because smoke came from it.“Later on we heard that several other persons in the area were badly affected”.According to Foster,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, it is believed that the surge was caused by a faulty transformer located next to the Rose Hall Town Market.Foster stated that he called the Guyana Power and Light Inc (GPL) call centre and an operator asked him to “go in and full up some forms but whether we are going to get the money back is another matter because many people told me that it is a waste of time”.“This is another blow for us because we lost $2M the other day and then our water trestle came crashing down, too and the tank burst.” “We want to know what the hell is going on because all the good work we are doing…this is just adding to the general feeling of frustration for the members of the club…“Hopefully GPL gets its act together because it is very hard for a Non- Governmental Organisation (NGO) to be giving out so much and to be suffering so much…Hopefully some sponsors will come on board and give us some funds”.In addition to the loss, another NGO sister organization in the area, the St Francis Community Developers,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, managed by his brother, Alex Foster, lost a printer after smoke was seen coming out of it. Hilbert noted that they, too are also assessing their losses. They lost fans too.GPL Regional Manager, Mr Ayube Bacchus, stated that preliminary reports from his engineers have suggested that kites became entangled with the low voltage wires, thus short-circuiting the transformer and burned the neutral. “But I cannot confirm or deny it…I have to see it in writing but that is the preliminary verbal report….the transformer failed.”He is urging persons who lost appliances during the event to fill the claim forms and the company will make an assessment on those claims and forward these to Georgetown.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-28 06:26:44 | 只看該作者

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Indy replaced Richardson on the roster by signing linebacker Phillip Hunt on Tuesday. The 6-foot-1,Chile Jersey, 254-pound Hunt played in 22 games with the Philadelphia Eagles in 2011 and 2012. Hunt spent all of last season on injured reserve after getting hurt during the preseason. He has 15 tackles and three sacks in his career.
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ANDERSON,Nike Boston Celtics Authentic Jerseys, Ind. (AP) — Nu'Keese Richardson's comeback try with the Indianapolis Colts has been cut short.

Two days after the Colts signed the receiver,Jeff Green Jersey, they decided to let him go. Richardson was trying to jump start a career that was derailed after he pleaded guilty to one count of attempted robbery in January 2010.
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