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Guyana is being urged to tap into available sources of funding, skills and other resources, meant to assist countries under a regional initiative to improve safety in their respective aviation sectors.Nari Williams-Singh, Director General of the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority, as he addressed the forum yesterday at the Arthur Chung International Convention Centre.The pitch was made Nari Williams-Singh, Director General of the Jamaica Civil Aviation Authority, who also serves as Chairman of the Board of Directors of Caribbean Aviation Safety and Security Oversight System (CASSOS).The CASSOS Chairman was at the time addressing the opening of the first ever Aviation Conference to be held locally. The conference was meant to tackle issues facing the local aviation sector, key among which is the matter of safety in the industry.In his address to the gathering representing the local aviation fraternity, Williams-Singh drew reference to the Regional Aviation Safety Oversight System (RASOS), through which Member States could share resources and reduce the cost of providing the required airworthiness and flight operations oversight services, to individual member states.Expanding on the role of this body, the regional executive pointed to the collective mandate of the eight member authorities, to provide aviation safety oversight and to assist and facilitate the provision of other aviation services for the Caribbean region.According to Williams-Singh, in 2009 a major step was taken when a new entity, CASSOS a designated Institution of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) came into being under the provisions of the Revised Treaty of Chaguaramas which established CARICOM, inclusive of the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME).Incidentally, CASSOS was formally launched in February 2009 at the Headquarters of the CARICOM Secretariat right in Guyana.According to Williams-Singh, “CASSOS and its predecessor RASOS, through ongoing support from its many partners, including the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), the United States’ Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and Transport Canada, have seen growth in the existence and availability of the required technical skills in the various states.”He urged local stakeholders, including the Guyana Government to make full use of these available sources of resources.The CASSOS mandate,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, according to Williams-Singh, is focused on enhancing the ability of individual states to fully discharge their safety oversight responsibilities.He opined that such a “Sub-Regional approach is consistent with the global strategy promoted by the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) to address safety oversight problems of its contracting states.”In his address to the stakeholders present at the Arthur Chung International Conference Centre, Williams-Singh said, “As we explore the various issues surrounding safety in our industry, we encourage dialogue, collaboration and full participation of every player, as we strive to make aviation in the region safe and sustainable.”He observed that through meetings such as the Aviation Conference hosted under aegis of the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority (GCAA), “We get the opportunity to continue to work together to achieve common goals of a uniformly safe, secure, efficient, inter-operable and sustainable aviation sector and facilitate the meeting of obligations specified under the Convention on International Civil Aviation and its Annexes.”He implored the participants that as “A Region in general, and CASSOS Member States in particular, we must remain steadfast in our mission of facilitating a safe and efficient air transport system which must be manifested in the various strategic initiatives we embark upon.”

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