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發表於 2018-6-20 09:45:23 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Former Major General of the Guyana Defence Force, Norman Mc Lean and former Registrar of the High Court Sita Ramlal had a forgery charge against them dismissed yesterday by Magistrate Fazil Azeez at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.The Magistrate however suggested to Prosecutor Assistant Police Superintendent, Denise Griffith that she should seek advice on whether to proceed with three other related charges. Griffith is expected to return to court on September 5 for a report.Ramlal and Mc Lean were charged in 2009 for allegedly forging adoption papers.Yesterday Magistrate Azeez cited reasons for his dismissal of the case. According to the magistrate there was insufficient evidence provided to the court to prove that there was a conspiracy involving the defendants.The court was forced to uphold no case submissions by the lawyers for the two defendants.The preliminary inquiry lasted almost two years, with 15 witnesses being called to give evidence.Yesterday, as the matter was dismissed, all of the lawyers who represented the two were present in court. This included Nigel Hughes, Senior Counsel Rex Mc Kay, Edward Luckhoo and Keith Massiah,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, among others.The prosecution was contending that Mc Lean on February 17, 2005, with intent to defraud, presented a forged Process of Court of Justice (an adoption order) in respect of a child, dated December 14, 2004, knowing same to be forged.Further it was alleged that Mc Lean on February 17, 2005 with the intent to defraud, delivered a forged adoption order in respect of the same child, dated December 14, 2004.Both Mc Lean and Ramlal were charged with conspiracy to commit a felony.It was alleged that the two defendants between December 10, 2004 and March 18, 2009, with the intent to defraud, conspired with each other to forge a judicial document in respect to the child, purporting to show that the said adoption order was done on December 14, 2000.It was also alleged that the same defendants between December 10, 2004 and March 18, 2009 with the intent to defraud, conspired with each other to forge a judicial document in respect to the same child, purporting to show that the said adoption order was caused on December 10, 2001, knowing same to be false.

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