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發表於 2018-6-20 11:33:57 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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“Investment is not all that matters,” said President of the Guyana Agricultural Workers Union (GAWU), Komal Chand,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, as he amplified his belief that there are a number of critical factors to be considered in the exploitation of a country’s natural resources.Chand, who was at the time delivering remarks at the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) May Day Rally last Wednesday, pointed out that there has been an increase in foreign investors in the mining sector.GAWU President,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Komal ChandHe said that while the union is heartened with the development, there are some evident concerns that must be noted. “We are pleased to know that our country can attract investments,” said Chand as he insisted that the natural resources of any country are owned by the people therefore,Cheap Jerseys Online, they must be widely consulted on its use.The GAWU President, who also doubles as the Vice President of the Umbrella Union, FITUG, premised his conviction on the fact that “today sad experiences abound in many countries over the extraction, by foreign countries, of their natural wealth whilst sections of the population languish in poverty and in the process even losing their land and water in some instances.”The same could be possible here, as according to Chand, it was some weeks ago that the Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment, Robert Persaud, revealed that in one location alone an estimated four million ounces of gold are expected. Additionally,Wholesale Jerseys China, Chand said that it was disclosed that the discovery of copper was also likely.“This is good news! We may have found, not forgetting Omai, the elusive El Dorado after all these years, but then our curiosities urge us to ask ‘What is Guyana’s take in this and other possible bountiful finds?’.”According to Chand,cheap nfl jerseys, realistically it is understandable that investors expect profits on their investments but also realistic, he added, is that the people should seek the optimum returns from the wealth they own in this a developing state.He pointed to the fact that despite increased investments, poverty in Guyana remains uncomfortably high. This,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, he said, occurs even as there are expanding social needs and at a time when there is still not enough done in terms of infrastructure.“With an eye on the future it seems that our natural resources and wealth have a significant role in our present and future all-round development,” said Chand, as he pointed to his belief that “those charged with the management of our resources may wish to be guided by such sentiments and not ignore the experiences of other countries…that are often bitter.”He said that it is imperative that the nation as a whole be mindful of the path it travels, its achievements and the goals that are yet to be achieved.  Chand also highlighted that there are still many and various battles to be fought such as the fact that “there are many workers that are underpaid due to the absence of a considered minimum wage. We must ensure that this issue be dealt with urgently.”Moreover, Chand insisted that it is important that the working class be more assertive of their rights and demand that they are involved in the decision-making process in the workplaces and at various levels of the society.“We need to work, particularly with our natural allies – the farmers, in specific tasks and also in general social matters. We must not remain on the sidelines we must speak-up and speak-out,NFL Jerseys From China,” added an emphatic Chand.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-26 13:25:33 | 只看該作者

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