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發表於 2018-6-20 18:29:49 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Yesterday marked the last day that the controversial Assistant Commissioner Steve Merai was officiallyDAVID RAMNARINEa member of the Guyana Police Force.Merai who had reached the age of retirement some time in mid last year, was asked to remain in charge of the Force’s Berbice Division to oversee operations there before, during and after the November 28 General and Regional Elections.The outspoken police officer will be remembered for many controversial issues,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, none more telling than his involvement on the dreaded Target Special Squad, an elite anti-crime unit which was accused of carrying out extra-judicial killings.The unit was fingered as enforcers for US Consular Officer Thomas Carroll, who was jailed for carrying out an illegal visa-for-sale scheme.Merai’s fact sheet also contained allegations that he acted as an enforcer for an alleged drug dealer following the publication of a recorded conversation which implicated him.However, the matter went nowhere after key elements declined to offer any evidence against him.The officer was removed from frontline duties, despite his obvious crime fighting talent, only resurfacing with his significant posting as commander of the second largest police division-Berbice.He is credited with bringing the once spiraling crime rate in that division under control, by first targeting large drug operations in the remote areas of the county.More recently, he was embroiled in more controversy, making damning allegations of links between senior police officers and drugs dealers.The allegations led to an investigation by Crime Chief Seelall Persaud, who has since presented a report to the Minister of Home Affairs.A few days ago, Merai defied a gag order that was issued by embattled Commissioner of Police Henry Greene.Merai’s exit has forced a reshuffling of the command level within the Guyana Police Force with effect from January 01, 2012.STEVE MERAIAssistant Commissioner Deryck Josiah who was previously heading the East Coast Division has been posted to “B” Division to replace Merai.His deputy will be Senior Superintendent Eric Bassant, who previously served in the same capacity on East Coast Demerara as well.Assistant Commissioner David Ramnarine will leave the E&F Division to take over the East Coast of Demerara. He will have as his deputy, senior superintendent Owen Trotz.These moves are tainted with a bit of controversy since it has been noted that Assistant Commissioner Josiah is junior to Ramnarine yet he is being posted to a Division that is considered more high profile than the East Coast of Demerara.Informed sources indicate that Ramnarine will not have found favour with the administration as Commander of the Berbice division due to his previous track record of distasteful experiences in the county with local politicians, which are documented and would have been remembered by those in government.Senior Superintendent Christopher Griffith has now been posted to “D” Division as Divisional Commander, while Senior Superintendent Clifton Hicken who previously headed the Tactical Services Unit is now commander of the police interior division.Assistant Commissioner George Vyphuis remains in charge of the most senior A Division, which covers the city and its environs.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

發表於 2018-6-29 22:38:30 | 只看該作者

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Hey, it beats working at McDonald's, something Berry believes he's put behind him no matter how things fall.
Of course, none of that could matter when the roster is trimmed to 53. Consider this: The Steelers have gone through eight punters since 2006, averaging basically a new guy back there behind long snapper Greg Warren every year.
Even if that leads to some counterintuitive thinking.
And the system calls for there to be only one survivor. Wing likes to think the fact he has a full season of doing it when it counts gives him an edge, even if it's only in his mind.
Wing was serviceable if hardly spectacular during his rookie year in 2014, winning the job basically by default after a family emergency forced Adam Podlesh to stay home. He found himself an unlikely adversary over the winter when the Steelers signed Berry, who spent four years at Eastern Kentucky, then moved back to Australia. He quite literally flipped burgers before taking an office job in hopes of earning enough money to return to the U.S. and find a job as a professional. The fact he got a chance in the NFL is merely a bonus.
Their respective preseasons have been pretty much a wash. Berry is averaging 49.5 yards a punt, with Wing checking in at 49.1. Berry's net is more than 4 yards better (40.9 to 36.5) but Wing has been the steadier of the two.
The key for Wing will be finding a way to press it. Special teams coach Danny Smith has taken great pains to make sure they get equal reps, though they both admit they don't spend a lot of time watching what the other is doing. They're different kickers with different styles. A little tip now and then is appreciated, but it's not like they're going to make drastic changes.
"You can't watch another punter and pick up their habits," Wing said. "QBs don't throw the same. You've got to watch yourself, work with yourself."
The only person in black and gold who gets excited on fourth down might be Wing. Sure, he wants the offense to score, but when that doesn't happen,Cheap Atlanta Braves Jerseys, he's only too happy to go out and do his job. The same goes for Berry,Deion Sanders Falcons Jersey UK, whose favorite kinds of games are the low-scoring variety that allow him to go out and let it loose.
Will it come down to one final kick? Or will it be an overall grade following six months of practicing side by side? They haven't a clue.

PITTSBURGH (AP) — The punting competition that wasn't supposed to be much of a competition has become something else entirely for Brad Wing and Jordan Berry,NCAA Baseball Jerseys.
"I feel I have it over him,Cheap Atlanta Braves Hoodies," Wing said. "I have the experience."
"You've just got to hope the work you've put in is enough for the coaches,Nike Brooklyn Nets Authentic Jerseys," Wing said.
"It's not ideal, but that's the way the system is set up,Jeff Green Jersey," Berry said.
In a largely meaningless game for every other potential starter on the Pittsburgh Steelers roster, the two Australians have no idea how things are going to shake out in and following Thursday night's exhibition finale against Carolina.
The two countrymen aren't friends exactly, but they aren't enemies either.
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