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[健身] Air Max 97 Uk Bharrat Dindyal









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發表於 2018-6-21 07:34:51 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Details are emerging of the kind of pay that top execs of the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) were getting.Former Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Bharrat Dindyal,Wholesale Jerseys 2020, was receiving in excess of $6M monthly. That figure was inclusive of allowances and other perks. Dindyal’s services were abruptly ended yesterday.Had no contract: Bharat DindyalThe CEO had two deputies- Aeshwar Deonarine who was in charge of Administration and Colin Welch who has responsibilities for Operations. Deonarine was reportedly drawing down over $2M while Welch over $2.5M.Dindyal’s pay would have made him the highest paid executive for any of the state-owned entities. A close runner-up would have Dr. Rajendra Singh, former CEO of the Guyana Sugar Corporation,China Jerseys Cheap, who took home over $5M (US$25,Air Max 97,000) monthly. That US$25,000 monthly salary did not include housing, a driver and other benefits.There is growing anger over the high salaries paid to executives with little evidence of the systems in place to determine whether the emoluments were tied to performance.GPL had been taking flak for blackouts and high commercial losses from theft, despite billions pumped into new transmission lines, generators and sub-stations.The new Government says it has been making a number of startling discoveries in what has appeared to not only include excesses and abuse but a clear breakdown in the accounting systems in GPL and other state agencies.Singh’s services were terminated at GuySuCo a few weeks ago after the administration stepped in and sacked the Board of Directors over the state of the sugar industry.Deonarine is under investigation for a $27M backpay that he took. He has been sent on administrative leave.GPL on Thursday wrote Dindyal, ending his services and telling him to leave yesterday.Confirming a report in Kaieteur News yesterday that the executive was sent home, the Ministry of Public Infrastructure said that the executive has been formally advised that a decision has been taken that his engagement with the company will conclude effective 16:00hrs yesterday.The ministry said that Dindyal’s substantive contract came to an end on December 31, 2014 with no renewal.He continued to serve as GPL’s CEO based on what was described as “an understanding” between himself and the previous subject minister, Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.There was no written documentation with regards to the “understanding”.“Based on information provided this “understanding” was apparently for a six-month period which commenced on January 1, 2015 and concluded on June 30, 2015. Mr. Dindyal communicated to new subject Minister, the Minister of Public Infrastructure, Mr. David Patterson that he intended to part ways with GPL but was prepared to remain as CEO for an interim transition period.”The ministry confirmed reports by this newspaper that the decision to end Dindyal’s service had to do with a recorded clash between him and Welch two Fridays ago.Welch reportedly went down to GPL’s Loss Reduction office on Sheriff Street to serve two managers notice that they were to proceed on administrative leave pending investigations into possible wrongdoing.However,Cheap Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, Dindyal who was called by staffers arrived at the office and told staffers that Welch had no authority to send home staffers.Rather that authority was with him or the Human Resources Department.Dindyal was heard on the video recording,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Mens, which was posted on YouTube, as telling Welch to go back from where he came and that nobody supersedes him (Dindyal). He told Welch for the (expletive) Minister (Patterson) to call him on his decision not to send the two staffers home.The ministry had this to say on how that video influenced its decision to part ways with Dindyal.“Having thoroughly examined these pertinent facts along with Mr. Dindyal’s intervention in matters relating to staff (some of which was video recorded and has been extensively viewed on social media) and his own performance appraisal and other relevant information,Nike Air Max Shoes For Women, last evening (Thursday)advised Cabinet of the decision to conclude Mr. Dindyal’s engagement with GPL.”The Ministry said that a subsequent announcement will be made with regard to the plan relating to the administrative leadership of GPL.

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