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發表於 2018-6-21 16:14:25 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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1999 — Fernando Tatis hits two grand slams in one inning to lead the St. Louis Cardinals to a 12-5 win over Los Angeles. Tatis becomes the first major leaguer to hit two grand slams in one inning and set the record with eight RBIs in an inning.
1993 — The Dallas Mavericks avoid matching the 1972-73 Philadelphia 76ers as the worst team in NBA history, beating Minnesota 103-100 for their 10th triumph of the season.
2008 — The Chicago Cubs win their 10,000th game, joining the Giants as NFL Jerseys Cheap the only franchise to reach that mark with a 7-6 victory in 10 innings at Colorado.
1996 — An NHL single-game record crowd of 28,183 watches the Philadelphia Flyers beat the Tampa Bay Lightning 4-1. Tampa Bay set the previous mark of 27,227 in its first regular-season game in the Devil Rays' baseball stadium.
1946 — Ed Head of the Brooklyn Dodgers pitches a no-hitter against the Boston Braves,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, 5-0 at Ebbets Field.

1950 — The Detroit Red Wings edge the New York Rangers 4-3 in Game 7 to win the Stanley Cup.
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1903 — The New York Highlanders, later renamed Yankees, win their first game as a major league team,Cheap Jerseys USA, 7-2 over the Washington Senators.
1993 — Orlando's Nick Anderson scores 50 points in the Magic's 119-116 win over the New Jersey Nets at The Meadowlands. Anderson's feat is overshadowed by Shaquille O'Neal,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, who rips down the backboard in the first quarter, delaying the game 45 minutes. Anderson hits 17 of 25 from the field and 12 for 12 from the line.
1954 — The NBA adopts the 24-second shot clock.
1950 — The Minneapolis Lakers become the first team to win back-to-back NBA championships by defeating the Syracuse Nationals 110-95 in Game 6 of the finals. George Mikan leads the Lakers with 40  points in a game marred by three fights, four Minneapolis players fouling out and the ejection of Nats coach Al Cervi.
2002 — Brent Johnson of the St,Cheap Jerseys. Louis Blues ties an NHL record with three straight shutouts in the playoffs. That had not happened in 57 years. Johnson reaches the milestone with a 1-0 victory over the Chicago Blackhawks.
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1969 — Jerry West scores 53 points to lead the Los Cheap Jerseys Online Angeles Lakers  over Boston 120-118 in the opening game of the NBA finals.

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