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Cheap Air Max 90 Kpu Sale Dr. Leslie Ramsammy









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發表於 2018-6-21 22:58:21 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– Dr. RamsammyWith budgetary debates in full swing at the Parliament Buildings, Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy,Nike Men Air Max 97, has expressed his disappointment at the Opposition parties in their call to vote against this year’s $75B capital budget.In a press release on Saturday, Dr. Ramsammy stated that while Members of Parliament have indicated that they will not support the capital budget of 2012,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Mens, he urges the Alliance for Change and A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) to consider their positions clearly.Minister of Agriculture, Dr. Leslie Ramsammy“As a Member of Parliament and as one who has responsibility for agriculture, I am disappointed at the position MP Veerasammy Ramayah and the others have taken.  I, unfortunately,Off White Vapormax For Sale, also heard Mr. Moses Nagamootoo and others saying the same thing and I am hopeful that this is not the position of the AFC or APNU. I reject the position of the AFC and APNU MPs and I would hope the AFC and APNU will consider their positions very clearly.”He said that the capital projects are usually financed through arrangements with international financial institutions such as the Inter American Development Bank (IDB), World Bank and donor countries and organisations.It was stated that these capital projects are projects which the international partners and Guyana have agreed to and the financing is targeted. The monies granted to the country for the execution of these projects cannot be used for other expenses or payments.“Such resources cannot be directed away from the projects as the Opposition MPs want us to do. Such funding cannot be utilized to support salary increases, pay pensions etc. If we do not want to proceed with the projects, the funding arrangements are terminated.”The Agriculture Minister emphasized that the capital budget is to ensure that “much needed” infrastructural projects are supported.If parliamentarians choose to vote against the capital budget then they must be willing to tell the nation that they will not support these projects and would rather the country to never have access to these funds, added Dr. Ramsammy.He urged that the Opposition members understand that these projects also create more jobs and by not supporting the capital investment,Cheap Nike Shox, these jobs are threatened.“On one hand, these MPs claim we must create more jobs and on the other hand they want to vote against job-creation that results from these projects. But we are not unaware of the motivation behind the rejection – it is to ensure they suffocate development in our country to help them gain power. While the Opposition pursues actions to suffocate development to satisfy their own interest and their hunger for power, the PPP/C will continue to promote the interest of our country by building our infrastructure and creating the environment to further promote development and create jobs,” stated the Agriculture Minister.He posited that this should not detract from the need for rigid and robust monitoring and evaluation to ensure value-for-money.He added that Government continues to be concerned over the lateness of work and the quality of work as it continues to improve systems to ensure more on-time delivery of work and higher quality.In addition,Air Max Zero Sale, much of the capital projects provide opportunities for the private sector in the country and there are many Guyanese-owned construction firms operating in the country. However, Government concedes that contractors have not been delivering projects on time and many of the projects have experienced considerable delays, the release said.“We concede too that the quality of work by some of the contractors is questionable. The Government of Guyana will continue our efforts to ensure value-for-money spent but we are determined to build the private sector capacity in Guyana.  We reject the Opposition’s portray of the private sector as only a greed machine, only interested in stealing as much as they can and we unequivocally reject this position.”Dr. Ramsammy alluded to the fact that Government has ensured that the Constitution makes provision for a Procurement Commission to be established. The Public Accounts Committee of Parliament failed to submit nominees for the appointment of the members of this committee.Presently there is an agreement between the leaders of the political parties to discuss this issue and resolve it early.“I urge that there be political agreements that will allow the establishment of the Procurement Commission as soon as possible…While we are addressing these concerns, we must also continue to create employment opportunities,Cheap Nike Air Max Shoes, build our infrastructure and support economic development.”

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