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Air Max 97 Gold since it is amounts to approximately $400









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發表於 2018-6-22 01:40:00 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Speedboats operating between Vreed-en-Hoop and Georgetown now have to comply with new regulations issued by the Maritime Administration,Nike NFL Jerseys China, in an effort to ensure the safety of everyday passengers.The owners of the boats now have to add a shed to the structure, so as to prevent against the rain and the blazing sun, along with tarpaulins at the side of the boats in an effort to prevent passengers from getting wet.The maritime administration is also requesting that the owners place fiber tanks under each seat of the boat, in the event that there is a mishap in the river. However, these new safety measures come at a cost, since it is amounts to approximately $400,000 for each boat to comply with the regulations.The new regulations have long been talked about,Nike Epic React Flyknit For Sale, but it is now being put in place as owners were directly informed of the new rules earlier this month. They now have until the month of April to comply.However, owner of a speedboat, Pholmattie Ramkissoon told Kaieteur News that the speedboat association will be requesting from the maritime administration an extension of the deadline, so as to give the other owners enough time to comply with the regulations,Nike Vapormax Plus Womens, given the fact that it is proving to be expensive to fulfill the demands.She explained that the speedboat owners are not against the new rules,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Mens, since it only ensures the safety of the travelling public, along with making them comfortable.It was explained that the shed on the structure would make the boat slower, and the additional weight would eventually require the operators to utilize more fuel.However, the operators are not against this. Most passengers who use the speedboats on a daily basis expressed their satisfaction with the new rules as, according to them, they no longer have to go through the hassle of covering with the tarpaulins when it rains,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet For Sale, and turn up at their workplace half drenched.As it is currently,Cheap Nike Shox, a few speedboats have already complied with the new regulations; the others are now getting their materials together to commence construction.

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