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Some 21 postmasters and a number of staff members of the Finance Department at the Guyana Post Office Corporation (GPOC),Wholesale NHL Jerseys, are to repay the $1 million said to have been defrauded from the post office.These people will have the money deducted from their respective salaries, said the Chairman of the GPOC Bishop Juan Edghill.According to the Chairman,NFL Jerseys Supply, these persons will be red circled and would not be promoted for one year. All the Postmasters and the postal and telegraph workers will have to pay back the full sum.Bishop Edghill said that the time span given to repay the outstanding amount is three months, while the various salaries of the charged persons would be withheld and no benefits would be paid. If convicted they would be dismissed.The postmaster at Mahdia Post office was found to be short of over $900,NFL Jerseys Cheap,000. The postmaster at the Mabaruma Post Office was also found with more than $1 million short. His services were terminated.According to Bishop Edghill,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, this postmaster prepared a transaction that was fraudulent. He indicated that the money was to have been paid to a customer.When this was discovered,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the postmaster located the money and destroyed the documents to cover his tracks. The GPOC chairman said that his services have since been terminated.The person alleged to be the mastermind of the fraud was stationed at the Port Kaituma Post office. This person was said to be a ‘casual,Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys,’ which is the lowest level employee in the post office.As such, the seniors were charged for negligence in the performance of their duties and deviation from standard operational procedures.Two options were given to the postmasters; the first being that they will be served notices of interdiction from duty to facilitate an independent investigation and to establish the circumstances surrounding the fraud.The other option was that they pay back the money and answer to the departmental charges.According Bishop Edghill,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, some of the workers suggested that they could repay the GPOC through their leave passage entitlement while some promised to locate the individuals whom they did business with.(Rabindra Rooplall)

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