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發表於 2018-6-22 04:49:30 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Coalition  declares ‘Day of Mourning’ The main opposition parliamentary party,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is maintaining that the Minister of Home Affairs Clement Rohee should accept ‘ministerial responsibility’ for the Linden killings and must be asked to resign.This position was reiterated yesterday as the coalition called for today to be declared a ‘Day of Mourning’ for the killing by the Guyana Police Force of three men and the injury of several others, during protest actions in the bauxite mining town.Today marks seven days since the killing of Shemroy Bouyea,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 24,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Ron Somerset, 19, and Ivan Lewis, 46, all of Wisroc, Linden, and APNU said that it will mount a rally at the Square of the Revolution, among other activities, to commemorate the day.The party intends to also conduct a picketing exercise at the Office of the President, and hold a vigil again at the Square of the Revolution, as it repeats its call to Guyanese everywhere to support the protest.Yesterday, APNU Leader David Granger announced that the opposition will be tabling a no confidence motion against Rohee in the National Assembly.Apart from APNU, several groups including Lindeners, have called for the resignation of the Minister of Home Affairs. This is not the first time that Rohee has faced such calls since he was appointed Home Affairs Minister six years ago. However, on every occasion Rohee has dismissed the calls, the most recent being on Sunday night during a live television programme.Responding to calls for his resignation as Home Affairs Minister, Rohee said that he will stand by the words of President Donald Ramotar.“I stand by what the President said…I wasn’t there, I didn’t give any instructions, oral or otherwise.”Home Affairs Minister Clement RoheeThe Minister said that he was rather pleased to see the police issue a release clarifying that the operation at Linden had no political directives.“We don’t have security of tenure,” said Rohee, as he reaffirmed that he serves under Ramotar and “I will stand firmly behind his statement.”Rohee repeated the section of his Oath of Office related to serving the people without fear or favour, prejudice or ill will, and said that he is going to continue to serve as Minister, as long as Ramotar will have him.“My conscience is very clear on this matter…I will not run in a cupboard and hide.The Minister said that he is prepared to face a Commission of Inquiry, adding that “I have a clear conscience…when I go before the Commission I will have a clear conscience.”He said that the Commission will decide and he will “let the chips fall where they may.”But Rohee appears to be contradictory, since in a statement earlier this year during his rift with the now sidelined Divisional Commander, Assistant Commissioner of Police David Ramnarine, he had acknowledged that the government and more particularly his ministry, have to take responsibility for public order hiccups,NFL Jerseys China, such as the one that occurred at Linden.Ramnarine had accused the Minister of Home Affairs of interfering in the work of the Guyana Police Force.“The Minister of Home Affairs has had cause to privately caution Mr. Ramnarine on several occasions about the demerits of his arguments, and the harm it can cause to and within the Force. Subsequent developments proved these efforts futile.“Moreover, since the PPP/C Administration must bear full responsibility for any upsurge in criminal activities and a breakdown in public order, does Mr. Ramnarine expect the Minister of Home Affairs to sit back and tell the Police Commissioner nothing,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, while Mr. Ramnarine and his satraps sit back in their exalted chambers and rub their hands in glee? And when the Minister, according to the Police Act, gives “general direction to the Commissioner” in respect of criminal and public order issues in Guyana, Mr. Ramnarine, deems this intrusive,” Rohee had stated.Meanwhile, APNU is calling for an urgent solution to the economic, political and security crisis in the Upper Demerara-Berbice Region.  Among the demands that the party is making to deal with the crisis are:* President Donald Ramotar should meet right away,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and remain in communication with, the Regional Democratic Council and other stakeholders of Linden;* The Government of Guyana should cancel any increase to the electricity tariff in Linden;* The Government of Guyana should commit resources to implement a serious regional economic recovery programme;* The Government of Guyana should introduce a menu of measures to address the environmental,Wholesale NHL Jerseys, broadcasting, health and other problems plaguing the Region;* An independent Commission of Inquiry must be convened to investigate the killing and injury of persons on Wednesday 18th July;* Compensation must be paid to the families of the deceased and to the victims of the shooting;“APNU reiterates its call to the PPP/C administration to acknowledge that there is an economic crisis in the Region.  A Partnership for National Unity will continue to work towards resolving the crisis in the Region,” a party statement said.

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