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[香港大學] Cheap Jerseys Store East Bank Demerara.GTU President









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發表於 2018-6-22 11:00:39 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Concerns surrounding the marking of School Based Assessments (SBAs) are expected to be brought to the attention of the 36th Caribbean Union of Teachers Biennial Conference which is currently being held at the Princess International Hotel, Providence, East Bank Demerara.GTU President, Colin BynoeAccording to President of the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU), Colin Bynoe, while such concerns are at the moment specific to Guyana, it is expected that intervening measures will soon be put in place. This move,China Jerseys Wholesale, he insisted,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Mens, comes as part of the local efforts to combat the SBA dilemma which has “gone out of order.”He disclosed during an interview with this publication yesterday that it has been brought to the attention of the GTU that “students are literally just buying SBAs and we are seeking to put measures in place that Guyana can adopt in order to help erase such problems that we have in this country.”The amplification of the situation comes even as there are moves to introduce a Caribbean Examination for Grade Six pupils, which according to Bynoe “we don’t as yet know all the ramifications about it.”And in order to address the foregoing concerns, the teachers’ conference is expected to be graced with an official from the Caribbean Examinations Council, who according to Bynoe, will deliberate extensively (on issues of concerns) in order to help ascertain the way forward.Among the other issues slated to be highlighted at the Conference is the professionalising of the teaching system across the Region, a notion which embraces the theme of the forum ‘Improving the Professional Status of Teachers in the Caribbean’. This,Cheap Nike Air Max 2018, according to Bynoe, will include the need for equal pay for teachers, especially for those who are working with differently-able children.His view is that the facilities for teaching the differently-able should be of the best so that “we could even make those individuals realise that they are wanted and needed and they have the talents to do things as able-people…”Another Caribbean-wide challenge faced by the system is that of school violence, a state of affairs that has been gaining much attention of recent and requires urgent attention, according to Bynoe.But the conference which has representation from at least 21 countries within the Caribbean sphere will not merely focus on the more daunting issues within the education sector.  According to Bynoe, “as educators we feel that we must promote our country as the best and after listening to others praise their countries, I think it is time that we ‘big up’ Guyana.”And it is expected that the conference will be memorable to the participating delegates as it was 22 years ago that the forum was last held here. As such,Adidas Superstar Shoes For Women, plans are in place to ensure that “we can give all of our colleagues from the teaching unions the opportunity of coming to Guyana and not only have this conference being held here, but to have the opportunity of basking in the ambience of our fauna and flora as well as the wonderful hospitality of the peoples of Guyana.”“So far we have received nothing but praise from the delegates because of the work that we have done. They talked about the VIP treatment that we gave them at the airport, how it was hassle-free and I want to congratulate the immigration and customs officers at the airport and all those from Foreign Affairs (Ministry) who worked with us to make all this possible,” said Bynoe.The delegates are also slated to visit various historical locations in Georgetown and Linden as well as Baganara and the world renowned Kaieteur Falls.The GTU-hosted conference, which was ushered in with a grand ceremony on Sunday, was graced by President Donald Ramotar and saw President of the Caribbean Union of Teachers, Marvin Andall, presenting a very moving state of the union address. The latter detailed extensively how teachers should be treated and did not fail to emphasise the need to work to make the essentials of a good education available in every country, for every school and for every child.“We cannot do it alone. We must work with administrators and our governments to advance these goals,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Cheap,” said Andall, who added that “the unions in this Region will continue to be important, vital and needed so long as we speak on behalf of the rights and dignity of teachers and the essentials of good education.”Moreover,Cheap Nike Free Run Shoes, his expectation is that the outcome of the conference will see teachers’ unions in the Caribbean recommitting themselves to ensuring that the essentials of a good education are provided in each jurisdiction even as “we maintain teachers’ protection and resist every attempt to bring teachers’ unions to their knees.”The conference is set to culminate on Friday.

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