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Air Max 97 Undefeated White balance









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發表於 2018-6-27 04:44:10 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The Ministry of Finance in a strongly worded statement yesterday lashed out at a Kaieteur News article captioned “Government angry at disclosure of Marriott’s offer” as well as the editorial contained in the same issueThe Finance Minister said that the two pieces are examples of, “that newspaper’s outright dishonesty and clear intent to distort facts for purposes that can only be sensational and political…The headline carried on the front page today,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, like a number of recent headlines by KN on projects involving the GoG, is malicious,Air Max 90 Black Leather, continues to ignore the facts surrounding this matter, and represents yet another attempt by the newspaper to undermine a major project in Guyana.”But Editor-in-Chief Adam Harris said that nothing can be further from the truth. He said that the Finance Ministry was the first to indicate that it was unhappy that the story was going to be published.One official asked that the source of the report be named and that the report was actually industrial sabotage. Mr Brassington had blamed the Grenada-based investors of talking out of turn. The Finance Ministry ignores this fact, Harris said.The Finance Ministry contends also that the original KN article of May 10 was largely based on information lifted directly off the internet,Air Max 90 Black And White For Sale, “with the result being a presentation of information that lacks context,Undefeated Air Max 97 For Sale, balance,Undefeated Air Max 97 White, and accuracy.”Harris said that for the Finance Ministry to now state that the information was gleaned from the internet was confusing to say the least, especially coming after the statement by head of the Privatisation Unit, Winston Brassington.He added that the same report was carried by the other media houses but for some reason, the Finance Ministry only had eyes for Kaieteur News.“Perhaps that is the only paper the government officials read,” Harris said.The Ministry’s statement said that Government’s release on May 11 in response to the KN report of May 10th, entitled “Government working with a number of prospective investors for Marriott Hotel Project” was necessary since Government has been working with a number of prospective investors on this project, while the KN article implied that GoG may be working with only one investor.Harris said that this insinuation by the Finance Ministry is in fact dishonest.Thursday’s article stated, “But Brassington said the Grenada company is but one prospective investor” and “at this juncture,Jerseys From China, no commitments or agreements have been entered into with Zublin.”

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