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發表於 2018-7-6 01:20:45 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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…moves afoot to revamp valuation packageSome $2 billion in property taxes is owed to the Mayor and City Council of Georgetown (M&CC), and according to information emanating from the municipality it is suspected that most of the debt owed is connected to Government properties.Ranging from a debt of $715M for a Water Street, Kingston, property to $106,000 owed on a Middle Road La Penitence property, taxes are in arrears for the more than 60 locations spread across the city.And without a clear handle on this astronomical sum, the municipality will this year be seeking to not only put measures in place to recover the outstanding sums but also to look at ways it could incorporate new sources of revenue.This is especially crucial since, according to Chairman of the municipal Implementation Committee, Keith Burrowes, there has been no proper debt recovery unit within the municipality over the years.Several properties have been transformed from residences to business outlets but there was not the corresponding adjustment in the rate structure. And once this state of affairs is adjusted, Burrowes is confident that some $500M could be collected, and by extension,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic, help to bolster the municipality’s current revenue base.He revealed that a 100 percent physical audit is underway in order to ensure that the requisite tax is paid on respective city properties.It is expected that officials from the municipality will soon venture to the Deeds Registry to gain further knowledge about some of the businesses that have been set up in the city over the years that are not reflected in the municipal database.This will be undertaken even as plans are apace to collaborate with the Ministry of Finance’s Valuation Unit to institute the new Valuation Roll, which was defined some years ago by the Inter-American Development Bank.According to Burrowes, who played an integral role in the preparation of the municipal 2010 budget, over the years City Hall did not look at the budget in a comprehensive manner. However, this year there has been a scientific approach. He said that the budget would focus primarily on service areas such as roads and drainage works, with an outline of specific objectives to be attained.This developmental approach will be regularly analysed as each department of the council will each month be required. And since it has been recognised that investment in labour is not providing returns, Burrowes speculated that the municipality might have to look at out-sourcing certain projects.By engaging such an approach he is optimistic that the municipality will be in a better position to have a higher level of accountability.With the focus on service, it is expected that the $3.5B budget will allow a sum of $969M to be expended by the City Engineers Department, $477M by the Town Clerk’s Department, $399M by the City Constabulary, $350M by the Solid Waste Department, $235M by the Public Health Department, $202M by the Markets Department and $116M by the City Treasurer’s Department.According to Deputy Mayor and Chairman of the Municipal Finance Committee, Robert Williams, the financial plan this year represents an increase of 50 percent over last year figures.He said that it should be noted that the increase comes not as a result of more spending or a significantly expanded programme but rather through efforts by the council to take into account, for the first time, all of the resources available in cash and kind.“It is the council’s belief that the annual budget is more than a mere balance sheet of revenue verses expenditure. It is more than an exercise to balance the books and to ensure that the current amount of money is directed towards the correct service areas.”According to Williams in a city such as Georgetown with its tremendous developmental challenges and continued disparities between different local communities the budget is seen as a policy instrument which will help to efficiently and effectively manage the resources in the quest to transform the current state of the city.

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