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Jerseys NFL Cheap the incident occurred at Iterinbang









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發表於 2018-7-18 16:28:32 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Vincent Jack was yesterday remanded for allegedly attempting to murder his work colleague, Orlando Duncan. According to reports, the incident occurred at Iterinbang,nhl jerseys outlet, Cuyuni River.The accused appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court yesterday.Police Corporal Venetta Pindar alleged that on April 6, at Iterinbang Landing,Cheap NBA Jerseys USA, the plaintiff was dancing with a female at a party when the accused came up and confronted him about an “old incident”.It was then that the accused pulled a knife from his waist and stabbed the plaintiff once to his chest. Duncan fell to the ground and was immediately rushed to a health facility in neighbouring Venezuela, where he remained warded.After the intervention of  the  police,NFL Jerseys China,  the  accused  was  taken  into  custody  and charged.Following the reading of the charge,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Magistrate Beharry informed the accused who was unrepresented that he was not required to plead.A Spanish language interpreter who was present in Court read a medical statement which stated that the victim sustained haemorrhage to his chest as a result of the injury he received at the hands of the accused.Pindar further requested that bail be refused and the matter be transferred to the Kamarang Magistrate’s Court for June 20.And Miguel Anitelo Dalema, of Brazil,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, was also refused bail for possession of narcotics for the purpose of trafficking.Police ranks who brought the accused to the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court alleged that on April 9, Dalema had in his possession 163 grams of what they suspect to be marijuana.  The Brazilian was unrepresented.Police in Lethem, Central Rupununi, on the day of the incident stopped a car in which the accused was.Ranks observed the accused acting in a suspicious manner; hence a search was carried out on his person. Stashed in his pants was a black plastic bag which contained leaves,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, seeds and stems of the illegal herbs, marijuana.The substance was taken to a police station where it was tested and weighed in the accused presence.Through his interpreter, the accused pleaded not guilty. He went on to explain that the cannabis was his property but it was not on his possession. The interpreter stated that Dalema wished to maintain his plea until his attorney is present.When questioned about his presence in Guyana, the interpreter said that the accused told her that he was in Brazil and just decided to cross over to make some purchases.The prosecution objected to bail on the ground that the accused has no ties to the community and that the legislation does not provide for bail to be granted to offenders unless there is special reason.Hence, Dalema was remanded and the matter was transferred to the Lethem Magistrates’ Court for June 7.

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