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發表於 2018-7-19 11:28:37 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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The curtains went up at around 19:00hrs last evening as Guyana’s premier trade and exposition was declared open.The ceremonial ribbon was cut by a pretty little lady, in the presence of His Excellency President Donald Ramotar, Tourism Minister (ag) Irfaan Ali, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade for Barbados, Maxine Mc Clean, representatives of the Private Sector,wholesale nfl jerseys, as well as other dignitaries and ministers of government.This was done following an official opening ceremony which commenced with National Anthem and ended with remarks from President Ramotar.The launching of the ‘I Believe Campaign’The night sky was perfect for the occasion and the sound of steel pan and other forms of music filled the environs of the Sophia Exhibition Site. It was slightly disappointing that the opening declaration was not followed by the usual fireworks display, which most of the children seemed eager to witness. And there were just three cultural items on the programme – an opening song by an all-boys group, and another by the Success Elementary School choir.Unlike previous trade fairs, GuyExpo 2013 will probably not win the trophy for most creative decorative layout, but the exhibits on display are commendable. The obvious dullness of the opening ceremony was not enough to discourage those seeking a good best bargain on arts and craft to the best internet connections.A fair number of patrons surveyed some of the new products and services on offer.Approximately 4000 persons were in attendance; a figure considerably less than that of last year’s massive turnout. Exhibitors also admitted that last year’s opening night was a lot busier, but maintained that it wasn’t a bad start.A casual walk around the Sophia complex revealed several booths still incomplete; one or two were even empty.Although there was an International Pavilion, local exhibitors seemed to be pleased that they were still receiving much attention; especially the local agro-processors.The heavy presence of police and security officers was evident and there was an ambulance and fire engine on standby at strategic locations.As is customary, there were people distributing magazines which detailed all there is to know about the grand affair.Among the most exciting GuyExpo giveaways, are a few entities such as the Baganara Resort and Fly Jamaica giving away all-expenses paid trips for two.There was also the launching of the ‘I Believe Campaign’ which is geared towards promoting and advancing the successes of our economy over the last few years whilst encouraging every facet of society to believe in the potential that lies ahead.“The I Believe Campaign seeks to reach out to every Guyanese beyond political, ethnic and religious barriers, to come on board through educating ourselves, informing ourselves and communicating with each other, the priorities of Guyana, thus , creating an environment of  National Ownership in the transformation  of our country,” Tourism Minister Ali stated.The ‘I Believe Campaign’ also takes a deeper look into the future, in building bridges with our continental neighbours and benefiting from the potential that exists in their markets; a Deep Water Harbour and enhanced Demerara Port and expansion of physical infrastructure to meet economic and social projections.GuyExpo 2013 will continue until midnight on Sunday under the theme ‘Advancing Productivity through Innovation, Modernisation, and Expansion.

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