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Cheap NFL Jerseys China the management of the new radio station









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發表於 2018-7-19 19:56:07 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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–    Woolford calls for frequencies to be made publicThe National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) is investigating claims by CNS Channel Six that it has been experiencing problems with transmission since a new radio station friendly to the government began operating.“The NFMU has its investigators with their instruments out there,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China,” Bibi Shadick, chairperson of the Broadcasting Authority told Kaieteur News yesterday.Owner of Channel Six, Chandra Narine Sharma, believed that the action was a deliberate one aimed at “silencing” the station.Sharma believed this to be the case since it is only when certain paid and informative programmes are being aired that reports of interference are received.The new radio station was set up by TVG channel 28, run by Dr Ranjisinghi (Bobby) Ramroop, the best friend of former President Bharrat Jagdeo.This radio station, Sharma said, has been affecting his television frequency since the audio received on Channel 6 reveals a transmission coming from the TVG radio station.Sharma suggested that the interference did not happen by mistake. He believes that it is a tactic to make insignificant programmes such as Opposition Leader David Granger’s one-hour television presentation, Voice of the People,Cheap MLB Jerseys Free Shipping, and a host of other programmes that speak specifically to issues concerning affairs of the state.He said that when those specific programmes are being aired,NBA Jerseys From China, music and the voice of a female deejay can be heard. While viewers are able to see the programme it is difficult and sometimes impossible to hear what is being said.In a statement,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the management of the new radio station, called Radio Guyana Inc., denied the charges being made by Channel Six.RGI said it operates a radio station with an adult contemporary music format, transmitting on the frequency 88.5MHz.“Any concerns held by the management of CNS 6 should be reported to the National Frequency Management Unit (NFMU) for investigation rather than making spurious claims in the media,” RGI said.Dr Ranjisinghi Ramroop was one of a dozen people handpicked by the then President Bharrat Jagdeo for a radio licence. Jagdeo was known to frequent Guyana Times and even to recruit people for the newspaper,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, reinforcing the belief that he was a prime player in the paper.For his part, Dr Ramroop, in court documents stated that he was no more than a shareholder in the entity.It is believed that Jagdeo could very well be the owner of the new radio station.Meanwhile,China NFL Jerseys, veteran broadcaster Enrico Woolford has repeated his call for the NFMU to publish who is allocated or operating on what frequency in Guyana for public or cable broadcasting.“The airwaves are a limited public resource and the public needs to know who owns what or who was allocated what,” Woolford stated.He said that the NFMU should have a public register of who has what “claims.”

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