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發表於 2018-7-20 00:24:43 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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– foul play suspected Dead: Anjanie Madhoo called PinkyWhen 29-year-old Anjanie Madhoo, left her Alexander Village home last Monday to go to work, her family had no clue that the next time they will see her would be at the Lyken Funeral Home mortuary.Madhoo’s body was fished out of a trench at La Bonne Intention, East Coast Demerara, near the LBI Pay Office at around 07:00 hours yesterday.Residents in the area made the gruesome discovery of the woman lying face down in the drain and immediately called the police.At the time no one knew who she was but by 16:00 hours, she was identified by her father Madhoo called ‘Dado’,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, as Anjanie Madhoo, called Pinky.Family members had missed the woman and had made a missing person report to the police.The dead woman’s father said that he received a call from his son, who informed him that they had found the body of a woman and advised him to check to see if it was that of Pinky.The man’s worst fears were confirmed when he saw his daughter’s swollen body in the morgue.“Monday she left to go to work. She working on Regent Street. And since then we ain’t see she back. We check fuh she and we phone everybody,” Madhoo told this newspaper.Kaieteur News understands that the woman did go to work and left at the stipulated time.Detectives believe that the woman may have traveled to the East Coast on Monday night to observe the Diwali celebrations at the LBI Community Centre Ground.But they are still baffled since the body initially appeared to have no marks of violence.According to the dead woman’s father, her boyfriend lives somewhere on the East Coast Demerara and his daughter may have visited him.Police have ruled out robbery as a motive since Anjanie Madhoo was still wearing her jewellery when her body was discovered.She was also barefooted at the time of her discovery.Police questioned several persons in the LBI area but no useful information was obtained.They are awaiting a post mortem report to determine the cause of death of Anjanie Madhoo.

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