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發表於 2018-7-22 11:59:18 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |倒序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
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Failure to supply millions of dollars worth of equipment for Technical/Vocational Projects to the Ministry of Education has landed a contractor in court.In 2008, the Ministry entered into a contract valued at $18.470 million for the supply of the equipment but the contractor failed to honour the terms of the agreement. This was in spite of the fact that the Ministry has paid over the full contract sum to the contractor.According to the 2012 Auditor General Report, which was presented to the National Assembly on Thursday last, at the time of the preparation of the Report equipment valued at $10.545 million had not been received. Four years have elapsed since the signing of the agreement and payment of the contract price.Moreover, the Ministry has since taken the supplier to court for a total refund of the remaining sum of $10.545 million. The Audit Office has therefore recommended that the Ministry continue to monitor the proceedings in the ongoing matter.Another unresolved issue detailed in the Report is that the Ministry is still to provide records to validate spending to the tune of $6.715 million for the year 2007. The sum,China Jerseys, according to the Report, was expended on behalf of the University of Guyana (Berbice Campus) for the purchase of library books, computers and accessories, completion of science laboratory and payment of retention.It has been recommended by the Audit Officer that the Ministry must take appropriate measures to provide the relevant documentation for audit scrutiny. Moreover, the Head of Budget Agency within the Ministry said efforts are still ongoing to locate the outstanding vouchers to be presented for audit scrutiny/examination.The Ministry is also currently faced with a dilemma whereby it is still to recover overpayments totalling $1.528 million. Among the projects which had suffered overpayment as a result of measured works are: the IT Laboratory at Charity Secondary School ($398,000),NFL Jerseys China, IT Laboratory at Aurora Secondary School ($245,Cheap Sports Jerseys,000) and the New Wing to Patentia Secondary School ($885,jerseys nfl wholesale,000).According to the Report, “Noteworthy were the facts that the personnel and/or Consultants nominated by the Ministry were integrally involved in the examination of the projects and the related findings discussed and agreed upon with the team headed by the Special Projects Officer of the Ministry.” Nevertheless,Cheap MLB T-shirts, there was a failure to recover the amounts overpaid.The Ministry has acknowledged the finding and has since written the Regional Executive Officer of Region Two seeking his indulgence in the matter. With regards to Patentia Secondary,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, a third and final letter has been sent to the contractor.And according to the Report, “The Audit Office once again recommends that the Head of Budget Agency aggressively follow-up these matters so as to ensure all overpayments are recovered.”

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